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karthik (Senior Financial Analyst)     05 August 2013

Getting divorce from nagging wife

i have been loving a girl for 4 years, we got married after a long struggle by her end.  they've cheated my entire family.  we started our life, initial 1 month was good but after that she made fight with my parents frequently. my parents got seperated from me. eventhough she is making fight with me. she is not an active person, she is sleeping in all the time. if i ask her to be active she threatening me as she will commit sucide, she has been using this tool from the love days. i've kept asking her to improve her academic studies but she has not shown interest in it. we have one boy baby (8 months old). we are getting into damn fight frequently. she is such a aggressive person. she throws all the things from home to road when she is aggressive. during love period she said she was a hindu and the same religion(mudaliyar) but later i've seen her community certificate says (aadhi dhravidar). i've asked her about this she said her mom was got the certificate for govt. beneficiaries. but i am unable to believe it as she has not done any pooja at my home. i'm unhappy because of this marriage. i wanted to quit her with my son. please advice me.



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i have been loving a girl for 4 years, we got married after a long struggle by her end. 

they've cheated my entire family. 

As usual nothing strange,this trend is not new.


we started our life, initial 1 month was good but after that she made fight with my parents frequently

The real compatability was known to both of you.Earlier that was only illusion.


my parents got seperated from me. eventhough she is making fight with me.

you would have not done this as your parents are the only positive energy in your rainy days.


she is not an active person, she is sleeping in all the time. if i ask her to be active she threatening me as she will commit sucide, she has been using this tool from the love days.

The bad habbit once been introduced it goes till something will not repents you.

What you have done so far for her suicidal tendencies? have you gone to any phyiatrics.


i've kept asking her to improve her academic studies but she has not shown interest in it.

As usual ignoring habbit continues.........(always remember You are a Husband not a trainer to her)


we have one boy baby (8 months old). we are getting into damn fight frequently. she is such a aggressive person. she throws all the things from home to road when she is aggressive.

just be away from these stupid fights,always record the conversations of both ways when she becomes Insane.Never hurt your child by depriving the love of his parents.


during love period she said she was a hindu and the same religion(mudaliyar) but later i've seen her community certificate says (aadhi dhravidar). i've asked her about this she said her mom was got the certificate for govt. beneficiaries. but i am unable to believe it as she has not done any pooja at my home. i'm unhappy because of this marriage.

No marriage can run like a Milkha singh if trust,feelings & respect goes out of order.

It's the begining.....


i wanted to quit her with my son. please advice me.



CONCLUSSION: If you were having a good time and bad time both 4 years ago when marriage was not there and still continued to get married due to gun point on your head.....Isn't it?


ashamed,If 4 years were not enough to know each others compatability then what you expect from the guys or girls who met for the first time at their own home for a period of half an hour and decision of arrange marriages been held by their parents.

This is more jerkable,not knowing each other & tied their knots in the hope of everything will be fine and well good with the blessings of elders.But alas after few months their marriages succumb due to compatability issues,which can't be mended.

But here my freind you have choosen your better half,you know how to handle the bad time and good time both.This was your love for your wife that your son will call you papa after few months.In love marriages the contribution of couple can't be 49% and others be 51%.

The contribution goes with equal ratios and moreover than equal percentage.


Now I will suggest you just shed your ego today or for last time and go to her,speak to her and without saying anything just hug her and say whatever you want to say to her and then come here for further suggestions after listening her.......




A sufferer...


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