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kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

Ancestral or self acquire property?

My father got land from grand father by partition 20 years back. Partition written on paper and signed by all. The land was showing on my father name. But he don't have any sale deed or gift. So it will come under self acquired or ancestral property. Please advice.


 12 Replies

Vishal Chavan   08 September 2018

ancestral property

kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

Thank you sir.
Adding to the above. Grand father has three sons incuding my father. My father purchased 10 acres land from his elder brother son and get registered on his son. Now his son diseased. This money is belongs to joint family. Now it comes under ancestral or self acquired?.

Vishal Chavan   08 September 2018

ur grandpa divided the propery equally in 3 son ? If y Then ur father purchased vai r deed Then its self aquired If all these three son are sepated

kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

My grand mother divided land among three sons, because grand father died that time. My grand mother partitioned land among thrre equally just by signing all all in white paper. For my father has 4 sons. Two brotjers who are doing agrculture they paid money for the land which my father purchaser and get registered on my last bro. Now brotber has died. That time all is good. We thought we adjust in other land which belongs to father during partition.

Adv Ananya Choudhury (Advocate)     08 September 2018

Since it was inherited by your father from his father, it is ancestral property.

kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

Thanks sir. But my father purchased land from my uncle son and he registered on my

kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

Bit my father purchased land from his brother son and registered on his son through sale. So this not self acquired property.?

Vishal Chavan   08 September 2018

Ancestral mean A land or property of Father Fathers father Fathers grandfather

kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

Thanks sir. So even though sale happened from my father brothrr son. It wil come under ancestral property right?.

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     08 September 2018

No. if you have any doubts first put your all doubts to get proper advise from the Forum.

kumarreddy (student)     08 September 2018

Thanks sir.

My grand father has three sons. My grand father died. So my grandmother divided land equally among three sons. my father is second and he has 4 sons and 1 sister and its joint family till today. 4 years back my father purchased 10 acre land from his elder brother son and registered land on his 4th son who died recently. So that 10 acre land now come under ancestral property or it is self acquired property of deceased son. Please sugfest me.

R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     10 September 2018

1. First you indicate whether your grandfather purchased that property or got it from his father.

2. If your grandfather got it from his father, in which year he got it ?

3. If he purchased it, in which year he purchased it?

Only after knowing the above information, one will be in a position to answer your query.

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