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dhivya (professional)     23 April 2012

Catholic ceremony without promising child raised as catholic

hey all, i am a hindu girl in love with a catholic guy. is it possible to marry a catholic guy outside church with a priest as witness but without promising children being raised as catholic.

I dont want to raise my child as catholic after marriage but want to do catholic ceremony for marriage as my in-laws will expect it.

I want to register it under special marriage act and wish wedding ceremony must be in both hindu & christian way.

Wil any priest do marriage ceremony outside church without any conditions?


 4 Replies

Deepak Nair (lawyer)     23 April 2012

Only the priest can tell you.

But, if you are ready to marry as per catholic customs, what difference it makes whether it is inside or outside church.

naren (Consulltant)     24 April 2012

Raising the child as in either religion should be decided by both parents and not just mother. Have you discussed the issue with your to be husband. He might have serious concerns and might not be willing for marriage. Discuss with him now rather than fighting on the issue later. I am not an expert but I guess law is silent on this matter as to which religion a child is suppose to follow.

dhivya (professional)     24 April 2012

i discussed it with him. he is ok with that. but for the happiness of our parents, we want to perform the ceremonies according to both customs. i think it would not be a problem to get a pundit for marriage.

Since i have heard that catholic priests will require us to agree on the condition that we should raise the children as catholic, is it possible to have the ceremonies with a priest as witness. I dont want to register it under christian marriage act either. But is it possible/ will a priest agree to perform the catholic ceremony for us?

stanley (Freedom)     07 June 2012

A catholic priest will agree to perform the Marriage only inside a church .And he would take it from you in writing that the the child be raised as a catholic .I dont think so any catholic priest would stand as a witness.

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