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Can a lawyer be sued for services?

Page no : 2

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     01 July 2011

1. "Please do not remain under the misconception that you will win the case before the court."

Sure, a normally educated, upright individual will not be aware of professional unprofessionalism, illegalities, tricks, cheatings etc that lawyers play. Of late, lawyers want to make that fast buck and resort to ANYTHING. It will not be so easy to even contemplate the sort of tricks that the opponent could subject you to. But, be sure that all such tricks or unethical and are illegal acts that attract penal action under law.

But all said and done, lawyers are definitely an integral part of society and their existence is prime. They cannot be isolated, wiped off from society. They are necessary (perhaps evil - if that is what they are) One has to definitely know it distinctly that unlike employees, lawyers do not get paid for coming to office, signing attendance register etc that happens in  governMINT rolls. They are a community who depend on contributions, services to eek out their livelihood, carving out their career. Thus, if someone is able to afford a lawyer, is well placed and has a cause to fight a case, hiring a lawyer in the case is a good option and a societal responsibility.

But, you would stand to win if your case deserves it even if you are going to fignt it IN PERSON. You can definitely learn skills to present. Law is clear in this aspect. That Lordship whom you are going to appraise should be fair and not prejudiced for some secretive reason. That is all. If that judge is corrupt, partial etc, then you would surely lose, not if the trial is fair.


2. "you should hard evidence and staying power."

Yes, you should be sure that you have a cause to fight and that the cause is strong enough.

"Staying power" is a tricky ball game. You can be haunted all the where and silenced. There could be personal attacks that you cannot prove, but very frustrating etc. Trust on God. Do your best, do it fairly, keep praying God and keep marching ahead. No force can stop you if you decide to fight your case IN PERSON.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     28 July 2011

The fact is that there are good and bad professionals.

lawyers do issue receipt. Our lawyer issued receipts.

There are able and noble souls also amongst all professionals including lawyers.

We have come across many professionals including lawyers doing selfless services and helping poor, distressed, and those who had lost hope and those can not afford the fee and winning cases for them. We have seen many professionals including lawyers doing community services.

As an indivisual if any one faces deficient service should rise and protest.

james bhatti (Advocate)     29 July 2011

Just draft a simple application expliciting all the bad experieces you have met and send it to the Bar Coubcil. I will be effective.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     16 December 2011

Put your engeries in fighting your case insrtead of blaming others.

srikanth (Scientist)     12 March 2012

I speak out of worst personal experience.i have suffered in the hands of lawyer who are lethargic, don't file a case after intial fees and colluded with opponents fool us and have resorted to extortion .When questioned they throw the blame on us and completly runied the case by not appearing and not filing the case. My advise to all litigants is to look into court registry personally what is filed and what is not filed .

1)  I want from this forum a lawyer if there is website that can tract the court proceedings on a perticular case to keep away client from darkness.

2) What is legal remedy that can be sought for filing damage suit and recovery of money from lawyer who has done harm to our case .

3) Suppose we tell the judge that the reason for inaction is due to lawyer will he agree with this truth  or not.

4) If doctor is sued for negligence and patient dies it is made a huge issue. But there so many instances where lawyer is found negligent . What is to be done?? Where is the justice??

5) Does Bar counsel remove such lawyer

Can this forum suggest me and others list of lawyer who is affordable, dependable and trustworthy dealing with civil cases in chennai who does shift his loyalty, who is client friendly does charge huge money upfront but fights like american lawyer collecting fees after sucess.My experience is intial fess makes lawyer complacent and makes him to demand fees for prolonging the case rather then ending it.  common middle class people who got trapped in litigation are most unfortunate.

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     19 March 2012

how can you say profession is a service?

mohmad hafeez bakhshi (*****)     11 July 2012

i am a lawyer  advocate myself having served the   govt. for 32 years till 3/2007. having got issued  the advcate licence resorted to practise law  relating to land management i.e. matters  of inheritance and the issues related to land to tiller  and other like matters. but as  adv. i have grrasped   something in advs. that they  are faithful  to their belly rather being faithful to their cliet. my senior who brought me  in this  field after my retirement in 2007 believed in honesty. he would either tell his  client  that the  case has got some  weaknesss at certain point, and at the same time would tell his client that   his case is sufficiently strong.  but woul never deceive  the client by saying  "i will get gold mine for you" the same thing  happens. some advs. are still  of such nature who tell their clients  and ensure them of getting  gold mine  for them but actually get nothing. instead lose legal battle and till then the client has  lost the part of hard earned money in addition to wsting of time.instead it would  be better to advise him to take  remedial  measure at proper forum  of Revenue deptt (land management deptt.) client  would not  suffer at least, and secondly, he would not have  bad opinion about a lawyer/ advocate.   kindl propogate giving publicity ......... hafeez bakhshi   .

Anoop K (Marketing Mgr)     24 July 2012

this definetely is like a chicken and egg story! almost impossible to prove!

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     21 August 2012

Originally posted by : Aravinthan S/o Ganesan

how can you say profession is a service?


Whatever it be, advocates have special status and special moral responsibility too.

Sjksjksjks (proprietor)     21 August 2012

Lawyers not liable under consumer act.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     04 October 2012

This involves two aspects: 1) The advocate being one's lawyer.

                                                2). The advocate being opponent's lawyer.

If it is 1 and the litigant/victim is not happy, then, s/he will definitely book him under Consumer Act.

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