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Sanjeeva k (Employee)     03 October 2022

Complaint letter manipulated by police in criminal case

Hello all,

Thank you in advance for responding to my question. \n\nFew years back a criminal complaint was made by some people on us. Police has registered a criminal case on us based on that complaint.

During the cross examination all the complainants saying that they have submitted a hand written complaint letter. But in the police/court records they are having typed complaint letter. Also there is difference in time of submission of the complaaint compared to complainant and the FIR registerred by police.

So its clear that there is some manipulation happend related to complaint lettter by police. The case is trialed and the court has aquitted us.

what further action can I take on the police for mismatch of the complaint letter and false investigation. Please guide me.


 3 Replies

pankaj verma   03 October 2022

file private complaint in court..9816374011

P. Venu (Advocate)     04 October 2022

Your priority at present ought to be in meeting the charges on merits and securing your acquittals. Making complaint qua the investigation or the investigating officers are secondary aspects which could be taken care subsequently.

Sanjeeva k (Employee)     05 October 2022

Hi sir,

Thank you for replying to my question. On our acquittal the complainant approached district court for criminal appeal. In the district court also the aquittal is confirmed last december that is december 2021.

So we are looking for filing criminal and civil defamation on the complainants aswell as police officers. So need suggestiins on oiw we can proceed.

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