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Nirali G. Joshi (jkju)     29 January 2013

Without divorce second marriage/live in relationshi

Dear Sir,

My self Nirali Joshi, I am married last 7 years. In last 7 years I am very painfull life with my husband and currently my position very trouble. Currently I am no more live with my husband so please guide me for my some question so I live my life.

1. I want divorce with my husband but he is not agree, In his mind how to live me painfully .

If i do secound marriage without divorce with my husband, so what can do my husband ? and What is law ?

Secound things I touch with my best friend Just Friend no more relation with him just friendship. He tell me if you lelf your husband and live with my home I have no problem. 

But sir without divorce I live with him so my husband torcher him and may be police case. So Live in relationship is possible ? Which document required for live in relationship ? Please help me and give me guidance. and save my life. My mother father not support me. 

 7 Replies

Samuel (CEO)     29 January 2013

NOT only your Mother and father nobody would support you!

You have all rights to go for contested Divorce, that is the way to make clean exist.

But this sounds something fishy!! Please beware. if decision talken already, yOur second thought would be too late.

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fighting back (exec)     29 January 2013

hi nirali,

your thoughts are very rational. and i do agree with you, however one thing i would like to tell you, first mistake you are doing here, why have you revealed your real name here.? dont you feel that someone of your knowing or your husbands knowing might just stumble upon your query here and even before you do your illegal marriage or relationship you might be busted/

you can do a secret live in relationship but remember to keep it very very secret. dont reveal it to anyone and dont get it registered. no photographs and no meeting at public places.....

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     29 January 2013

अरे निरल मम फेस करो इसे पति को रास्ते पर लाओ सब ठीक हो जायेगा एक एशिया उजाड़ कर दूसरा बनाने की कोशिश न करो , जिंदिगी को सही ट्रैक पर चलने दो हो सकता है पति कही परेशां हो इसलिए ऐसा हो रहा हो थोडा समझ कर काम करो उसे समझो सब ठीक होगा सात साल से साथ रहे हो दोनों बहुत लम्बा समय होता है , सात दिनों के दोस्त  सच्चा हमदर्द नहीं बन सकता जितनी कोशिश नयी जिन्दगी के लिए करोगी उतनी अपने पति को लाइन पर लाने के लिए करो सब ठीक हो जायेगा.

अगर बहुत ही जादा हालात बिगड़ गए है तो आपसी समझोता कर तलाक ले लो , कोर्ट की शरण में जाओ. अपनी बात रखो , मार पीट की नौबत आ गयी हो तो सबूत के साथ पुलिस में जाओ , जो करो लीगली करो डंके की चोट पर करो चोरी छिपे नहीं , सही होकर जो करोगी तो शांति अपने आप मिलेगी नहीं तो फिर नयी प्रॉब्लम के साथ यही सलूशन मांगने या तलाशने आना होगा सो ट्राई योर बेस्ट गुड लक

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Dear Nirali


Your Friend misguide you. Smthing is hidden in his heart which not disclse due to any fear.

You attract to another man its prove yur family life is not well standing.

Don't destroy your matrimonial life.


If you think that only you are right than you can get divrce n cruelty grounds. But if your husband contested than it will take about 3 year period.

Choice is yours.

Partap Singh (Security Officer)     30 January 2013

Go for divorce and then choose to be in any life, live in relation ship or marriage. Its your choice. Live in relation ship won't work longer. Ask your friend will he marry you in future?? Then decide. already your parents are not supporting to you. if you are earning good amount of money. are they enought if no body will support you, keeping all these factors in mind and then proceed further.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     30 January 2013

Don't marry w/o divorce and don't choose live-in. It is a dangerous path, you and your partner can get into many legal troubles.






Shonee Kapoor

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Quite a few things before you could take the final leap:

1.  So many years of marriage, good or bad, and now you thinking of adultery without getting divorce.  That aint fair.


2.  Husband willing to continue with marriage shows that he still does care.


3.  You guys need a good counselling session, go for it.


4.  Being woman, if you want divorce, given the facts, it may be impossible for you to get a divorce as husband is not willing to let you go.


5.  Decisions taken in a mood and time where you are not able to see the future, have proven to be doomsday for many.  So please do think before you leap.

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