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agarwal   04 August 2015

What need to be done , not surewat to do

MY sister got married 2 years ago with an IIT IIM grad, my sister is also an Engg. Grad. From day 1 of marriage she got tortured from her family , like 

1. You need to was my clothes, as i am your husband

2.I can't eat the food after 9 PM ,

3. Her father in law always calls her at ny time and conveys that she should give the breakfast to his son by 8 am in the morning other wise this will affect his mind.

4. When my sister and husband went to buy household items , she was told that her father didnot give hime anything but my father gave them 25 lacs including expenss and a car worth of rs 8 lacs.

5. She need to come to him on bed on his own as she has to fulfill her duties as a married women,

6. she also works somewhere , her hsband always convey that she has to give all month salary in his hand , and then he will pay him 

7. he told her i got tired if i travel by office cab , yo can travel in metro and go to office ,and then cook home food also.

8. Daily in the society where they live , they got RO water so whether she filled the water or not ,husbad used to check the temperature of water and find out whether water got filled or not.

9. there they live in 3 BHk flat, father in law and husband always used to torture that this flat is small .size of flat is 1700sqft.

tthere are things like this that she heard daily

what do yo think advocates this is good for her or this is normal behavior of the husband's nowadays. I am not sure what needs to be done so asking you.

 5 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     04 August 2015

sometimes these sort of harassments happen to a bride in her inlaws house which needs to be solved amicably.sometimes it tends to reduce over dont worry

Adv. Sagar R. Jadhav (Proprietor)     04 August 2015

GIrls always knows about their marrital rights like divorce, maintanance, child custody.. But what about duties towards husband.. marriage means duties and rights, combination of both things... First concentrate on duties then avail rights if requires.

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     04 August 2015

Originally posted by : Adv. Sagar R. Jadhav
GIrls always knows about their marrital rights like divorce, maintanance, child custody.. But what about duties towards husband.. 


Now the question is whether husband's knows his rights?

Whether they have any rights at all? Other than to be a ATM machine?

lucky81 (NA)     04 August 2015

If she is your sister as you say, you should pull up her husband in a side for a man to man conversation. Don't try to play dangerous games whatever you do, do it peacefully. It is not something that gets mended in a day, it takes years to before the relationship like marriages starts giving what people expect from it. May be your sister can work it out over the period of time.

Another thing if it has already breached her level of tolerance, go for divorce and get out of it. Broken marriage is not the end of the road, some times two people are just not made for each other. So look at bigger picture.

Now if you are expecting someone to suggest here how to trap them, the best thing you can do is delete your account now.

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     05 August 2015

Originally posted by : lucky81
So look at bigger picture.


Agree with Mr. lucky81.


However generally girls families are revenge mined. 

Corrupted lawyers and judges supports them for their income.


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