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Lawrence William (Service)     14 May 2013

Weather fir was false?

It happened in 2009, when Mr X was  charged with IPC 120/B, 114, 408,420, 465,467, 468, 471, etc.The police on investigation found the case to be correct and submitted charge-sheet in the Court. It is contended that the Court of Magistrate will decide regarding the correctness of the allegations.The copy of the charge-sheet has been filed and is on the record of the trial court. It shows that the charge-sheet has been submitted for offences under Section 408 and 420 only, I.P.C. Rest of the IPC's were omitted in the chargesheet.IPC's 114/,120/b , 465,467,468,471 was found to be incorrect or irralavant even by the police. No doubt, the criminal court alone is competent to decide whether any offence has been committed by the accused or not,.The question is  whether the F.I.R. was false or correct being relevant for decision, it has to be decided on the basis of the evidence adduced in his petition.

My Query is:

  1. Was the FIR false ?
  2. Would it help the accused in defence or deposition?
  3. Can it be challenged in H/C.
  4. The trial has still not yet begun even after four years, bcoz the opponant is not remaining present on dates.
  5. A seperates defamation case by the accused against the complainants  is already pending in lower court. Should it be withdrawn?
  6. Your valueable expert advise solicited.

 3 Replies

Lawrence William (Service)     15 May 2013

What should be the trial process of the case?  The accused is regularly visiting court on the dates, but the complanant & witnesses have not turned up.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     15 May 2013

Dear Querist

as per your query my opinion is mention below

Was the FIR false ? No, 

Would it help the accused in defence or deposition? yes

Can it be challenged in H/C. yes you have right to file a quashing petition against chargesheet u/s 482 of Cr.PC

The trial has still not yet begun even after four years, bcoz the opponant is not remaining present on dates., then file a discharge application before court due to delay trial

A seperates defamation case by the accused against the complainants  is already pending in lower court. Should it be withdrawn? Defemation suit shoiuld be withdraw and when court pass an order for acquittal of accused, he/she can file a defemation suit or file a malicious prosecution case against complainant

Feel Free to Call


Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate)

Chember No. D-720, Lawyers Chembers,

Karkardooma Court, Delhi

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RAJIV BHASIN (ADVOCATE) (Bhasin Legal Consultants(SOLICITORS & ADVOCATES) 9811210505)     16 May 2013

Dear lawrence, Your queries are as under:- 1.Was the FIR false ? No 2.Would it help the accused in defence or deposition? Yes 3.Can it be challenged in H/C. No 4.The trial has still not yet begun even after four years, bcoz the opponant is not remaining present on dates. 5.A seperates defamation case by the accused against the complainants is already pending in lower court. Should it be withdrawn? No 6.Your valueable expert advise solicited. Don't file quashing, it would not be in interest of acccused. HC does n't quash it, there should be glaring abnormality in the chargesheet. Prosecution has already rectified the mistake. Take benefit during trial. It is too early. Ask your counsel to press for closure of prosectuion evidence. You will automatically acquitted or discharged. You have acted on wrong advice by filing defamation case which ought to have been filed after acquittal or discharge. You may withdraw it or get it sine dine adjourn so that you can amend it later and add malicious prosecution allegation in it and enhance the compenstion. Rajiv Bhasin Advocate bhasin & Associates 9811210505

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