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Validity of co-op hsg society maintenance receipt

If there is no signature of authorised person or society stamp on maintenance receipt of co-op hsg society can it be considered a valid document where society maintenance receipt is required as a document. Please guide me. Thank you.

 9 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     17 January 2022

authorised signature and society stamp is a must for a valid receipt or documents.

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Sir Thank you for your reply 

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     17 January 2022

You can produce such an unstamped/unsigned register and can ask authorized signatory to give proper receipt valid under law, and they are bound to issue if that money was properly accounted for in books of accounts or collected by authorized collection employee.

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Thank you 

P. Venu (Advocate)     17 January 2022

You have not posted the material facts.


I paid our latest maintenance bill of Jan to March the receipt that was issued was not signed by the authorised person nor society  stamp was put on the receipt. On a little argument the Secretary have put the society stamp on it but did not  sign. Our society bill is prepared on the society letter head. This bill becomes the receipt as it has a receipt portion below. Can this receipt be considered as a valid document if I present this receipt with the application to change name on electric bill. Or in any another application where society  maintenance receipt is required as a document. Please also let me know Is society stamp and signature of authorised person both required or just society stamp will be  enough. 

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     22 January 2022

The validity or otherwise of a receipt is based on the purpose and context.  In the first place it is evidence that you have paid to the Society against a particular demand of the Society. If you had paid by cash, the Society stamp should be sufficient against any claim by the Society. The Society can dispute it only if the seal was fraudulently obtained. The burden of proof will be on the Society. If you had paid by bank transfer, you need not have to worry even if no receipt was obtained. If the recept is required for the purpose of obtaining a power connection, it will be up to the electric supply company to accept the receipt with or without signature as proof of your tenantship. It will be the same as proof before any other third party requirement.

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Sir, Thank you for your detailed  reply. 

Pervin Madan   21 November 2024

Our CHS in Pune Maharashtra issues a computer generated black & white copy with sign & seal also inserted in template..

No original letterhead, no original stamp of society nor original sign. Also Managers sign is inserted in computerized document file template & signature are not of official signatories i.e. chairman secretary or treasurer. Are such computer generated signed & stamped maintenance bills & money receipts, Legally valid documents in eyes of Law or not?

If not, pl clarify as per which byelaws original sign & stamp, original letter head, & can manager sign or mandatory that one of 3 officials signs not manager. Does any authority ltr needs to be issued empowering manager to sign bills receipts etc in original on behalf of above 3 officials on bills & receipts. Pl reply urgently to enable take corrective action if required by our society with immediate effect.Thanks.

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