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kamalakar (self employed)     29 November 2009

universal donee

What is the legal consequence in case a person gifts the whole of his property(or most of his property ) to another? if so,

Can the decree-holder proceed against the property in the hands of the universal donee?



 1 Replies

saquib (Advocate)     30 November 2009

Dear Mr. Kamlakar,


Your question needs more elaboration as the background is not available.

In case of a Hindu (Karta) disposes off whole or most of joint family property :

If the gift is made while suit is pending in a court.

Or the transfer has been made with a dishonest intention to Defraud the Decree Holder.


then we can file a suit or proceed against  the suit property in Execution Petition.





Mumbai (09272990869)

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