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Kasak   08 July 2016

Transfer divorce case to another city

I was filled domestic violence and maintenance case against my husband and in laws in Indore court. After notice my husband file divorce case in Delhi court. Now I want to stay and transfer divorce case in Indore. My husband earned 2000-3000 per day but he show his income 9000 per month as salary. I don't have his income proof. Can I show them life style to proof his income? They not come on first date of court case in Indore. Now what can I do? Me and my parents is financially week. Please give me your valuable suggestions.

 4 Replies


either u have to appear in Delhi court or file transfer case in Supreme Court. But transefer case will take time and the proceedings at district court will be stayed. As per as financial position is concerned...u need not engage any private lawyer....u must go to supreme court legal aid office n u will get lawyer from there......who will file ur case without charging from u....otherwise, in district court u also can engage legal aid lawyer

Mukesh sharma (job )     08 July 2016

Hi k you transfer your case as per your resident where you currently living and if you say that your husband earning to high and he cant show her earning than you need to collect some proof than you show them how much he earn in month and and he is well to pay you maintaince 

you conatct with local good family lawyer he give you support on this matter very well 

and in supream court you not allow without any good reason you stay in dist. court and run your case their 

file first maintaince case and than take next step 

so plz take help good family lawyer in your local city he will guide you 


Nitish Banka (lawyer)     08 July 2016

As you are lady apply for transfer in SUpreme court, the stay will be granted on the divorce proceedings.


Advocate Nitish Banka

Supreme court Advocate


A walk alone (-)     09 July 2016

SC has power of transferring case from one state to other.You can appeal with a strong reason for transfer in supreme court.

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