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Sec 3 of rti act 2005

My RTI enquiry online vide appl No MODEF/R/2013/60334 dated 06 Sep 2013 ack by IHQ MoD (Navy) God knows why. It transferred the appl by post to IHQ MoD(Army) by post on 17 Sep 13.vide their letter No DL/0812/2045/TR. It stated at para 2 to deal with the appl as per Sec 6(3) of RTI Act 2005 asking them to send the info directly to the applicant. However on top below the Tel No 2310 0680 it is stated " The Reply should be addressed to PIO (N)"

Now I am in receipt of a reply from RTI Cell Addl ADG IHQ of MoD (Army) vide their letter No A/810027/RTI /TR dated 23 Sep 2013 which says " Para 1..Ref your appl dated 06Sep recd at this office on 16 Sepxxxx. Para 2..It is intimated that section 3 of RTI Act 2005, has been extended to all citizens. Therefore proof of citizenship may please be provided for documentation please. Your RTI appl referred above is unsigned. You are also requested to fwd a signed copy of the same for our records. Para 3 ..your appl will be processed with concerned agency after receipt of proof of citizenship and copy of signed appl."

Isn't it pathetic? I submitted my appl online through the official portal of the govt of India establishing my credentials and paying the requisite appl fee online. Do we need any further proof that it is not the politicians but the bureaucrats and the govt officers including so called disciplined armed forces officers are the ones who are trying all their dirty tricks to defeat the spirit of this Act of the century?

Pl tell me whom do I approach? I do not wish to submit an appeal to Sri Not so Honourable ML Sharma IC/CIC whose acts in disposing my appeal in respect to min of Defence were not above suspicion.

What next?


 2 Replies

Kolla Gangadhar (Practicing Advocate since 1986)     04 October 2013

If possible you send digital signature  R.T.I. application and you send attested  xerox copy of  Citizenship either voter I.D. PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Ration Card, Motor Vehicle Driving licence etc. 

Rama mohan Acharya (Manager HR(Legal))     04 October 2013

dear Haridas

 Nothing to be panic. If u rally want the information, u should sent the desired documents to them. No doubt there is no such provision in the Act but there are decisions of CIC that the Defense may seek the proof of the citizenship from the information seeker. Ot is good, if u see it from the national security angle.

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