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vinay_2431 (engineer)     30 November 2018

Save my self can i kill a person who attack me in my house

Hello Experts,

   I am in a situation where I may have to save my self by killing the atacker.

if the situation comes where I am sitting in my house happily with my family  

and some person who has grudge on me comes and starts to attack me in that scenario can I kill him to protect my self and my family? 




 4 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     30 November 2018

If you have apprehension really you may seek police protection legally by informing facts to the Police.  Accidently killing some one in self defense amounts culpable homiside not amounting to murder.  But, you have to establish that it is for self defense and convince police.  So use other methods rather than killing and take ultimate decision only on the basis of no alternative.

Shashi Dhara   30 November 2018

U file a complaint against him in local policetation. They take action against him. If they refuses lodge a private complaint in jmfc court orders u to protect from him. Don't take law in Ur hands. Be careful.

TGK REDDI   01 December 2018

First of all you must try to escape.     If you can prove you have no escape, use minimum force to save yourself.    If minimum force justifies killing him, you're not guilty.

Self defence should only be a shield; not weapon.

vinay_2431 (engineer)     04 December 2018

Thanks TG REDDY .

i will do my best to not take Law in my hands,for me to go to police station i do not know if the threat is real or not.

i just dont want to be a fool , the other party can blindly deny my alligations and say i am harrasing them.

so thanks for your advice.



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