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sankar (S/w Engineer)     12 December 2010

Regarding Buying Flat

Dear Sir/Madam,

Before asking my question, here is a small background info:

I am in the process of buying a flat in bengaluru. My loan is approved (but re-payment has not commenced).

Now, I read in news about some builder selling constructed flats in illegal land. Court ruled all occupants to vacate the flats.

I became nervous after this, as I haven't seen any land documents from my builder.

I have seen encumberence certificate, NOC, property plan, sale agreement. 

I have not seen family tree. 

My questions are:

1. How can I know about the land (what document should i ask for)

2. If the bank approves loan, wouldn't that be a good enough proof that builder is genuine?

3. What else should I be aware of before going forward?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance.


 5 Replies

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     12 December 2010

Bank's approval is no guarantee. Consult others who have bought the flat there. Remember most of the documents can be faked. Get copy of land record from the builder. If he is honest, he will give you. 

1 Like

Abhishek Marvi (ADVOCATE)     14 December 2010

i also agree with Mr. Anil in sofar as you have option to go consumer forum if not giving all information proper from builder  

amit (founder)     14 December 2010

You can get 7/12 extract from tahasil office. You just need to know your survey number and land numbers. the extract will mention who is original owner of the land and is land mortgage any where? This will help you to make sure about land. this process you can do entirly alone you dont need ask for it to builder. 

Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     15 December 2010

loan is approved by Bank so I think the property Title is clear but for your  knowledge u serch a last 30 years revenue record and sub-registrar office records otherwise u see the title certificate and title report of the said property.

sankar (S/w Engineer)     15 December 2010

Thanks a lot for the help. It helped...

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