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RAMESH KUMAR (farmer)     05 June 2011

Police not Taking action

Respected sir,I  informed local police way back in 2009 about cheating forgery and fraud of some persons who have obtained there passport furnishing forged docoments.after some early action and definetly after money exchanged hands police buried it deep down.I approached the SP of disst ,as in this case JHAJJAR Haryana and pleade for a fir.Then i sent a letter by Regd.Post to SP JHAJJAR with copies to IGP ROHATAK and DGP HARYANA.But police is still not filing FIR.what options do i have now.Thanks in advance

 10 Replies

ADV Rajesh KASRIJA (ADVOCATE)     05 June 2011

क्या लगता है आपकों कि हिन्दुस्तान की राजनीती में सबसे ओछी राजनीती करने वाला राजनेता कौन है..? 1.दिग्विजय सिंह 2.दिग्विजय सिंह 3.दिग्विजय सिंह 4.दिग्विजय सिंह   अगर आप मेरी बात से सहमत है तो आप मेरा सहयोग करें। इसे फेसबुक पर लिंक कर हिन्दुस्तान को ऐसे राजनेताओं से बचाए ।

G.Nagarajeshwar Rao (Advocate)     05 June 2011

To my knowledge there is a web site, the same is helpful for you. If you convey the same through that web site, the message will be passed to all the concerned and it will be publicised. 

RAMESH KUMAR (farmer)     05 June 2011

First ,Thank you sir for your time and Reply.The website you mentioned just forward our application merly  to concerned Deppt. and does not follow it up.In mine case i have also submitted a complainet to which is a plateform for grivences of public and also to harsmadhan which is same like it.They only boast of solution in 30 days but nothing do.any way thanks for your reply.regards

Doveson (advocate)     06 June 2011

if you are directly affected by the forgery, you can file a private complaint with the Metropolitan Magitrate or a writ petition in the high court. if you ar jut concerned, thn file a writ petition. there is a cheaper way and that is RTI. But you have to be careful as the intereted people may try to harm you if you go under RTI.  

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     06 June 2011



An application to the area Magistrate is the first step one should take once the local police does not take any action upon receipt of complaint. Magistrate would look into you complaint and certainly direct the police to register your complaint and inquire. Also you should attach copies of your letters which you sent to the SP, IGP and DGP in your application.




ashwani vij (head)     06 June 2011

first of all u have option to move to high court by way of writ of mandamus or in alternative u can file a complaint before illaqa magistrate us 200 crpc along wd sec 156 subsec 3 for directing to file an fir

Sandeep Naik (Advocate)     09 June 2011

Who are those persons ? What is your locus standi (how  u r affected) ? Is it related to u ? if not then u may file 

PIL in High Court in the interest of Public.

RAMESH KUMAR (farmer)     09 June 2011

thank you sir for your time.I am not personnaly affected by this fraud and these persons are my relatives.CAN i still go to HIGH COURT ?Regards


u should file an application u/s 200 cr.p.c. r/w section 156(3) cr.p.c. for registering of FIR with the Magistrate of the concerned area.

Sandeep Naik (Advocate)     10 June 2011

Respected Madam Adv. Rakhi

I differ with ur advice as the person concerned is not affected , he cannot file complaint but he can file PIL in High Court . Pl guide if Iam wrong.

Adv. Sandeep naik 

Mob: 9967056980

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