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A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     31 August 2009

lawyers and technologists

in IITs law is being taught after B.Tech. this is a move in the right direction. a knowledge of biology is also sine a qua non for lawyers.


 6 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     01 September 2009

i think every citizen must have the basic knowledge of law and lack of legal knowledge among masses is one of the reasons of rising litigation....those who dont know the law are often misguided.

for professionals from IIT the knowledge of law relevant to their work is quite necessary and i think quite a good decision.

this process should be taken to other educational institutions as well.

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     01 September 2009

i think every citizen must have the basic knowledge of law and lack of legal knowledge among masses is one of the reasons of rising litigation....those who dont know the law are often misguided.

for professionals from IIT the knowledge of law relevant to their work is quite necessary and i think quite a good decision.

this process should be taken to other educational institutions as well.

Raman ( )     01 September 2009

I think, a lawyer having knowledge in the Forensic Biology is not sufficient, also needed acquaintance in Forensic Science which is a broad spectrum of sciences. If that is the case then all other Sciences like Forensic Chemistry etc .. will also be lined up soon :)


Normally, an individual who is pursuing a career in Forensic Science would choose criminal justice programs but I can not imagine a lawyer biting these sciences altogether to gain legal advantage! Are we suspecting our Forensic Scientists in India ?


It may be a naive question but I would like to understand why a lawyer should have this kind of skill set in his career. This lawyer ultimately has to depend on the Forensic Scientist who has profound knowledge in his subject and he also possess a great analytical thinking by nature of his job!

Why redundancy should be involved thinking on the same subject by two different Professionals? Please clarify !

A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     04 September 2009

Mr. Raman

 in law there is no term like " redundancy of knowledge."

Raman ( )     07 September 2009

Dear Mr. Tapan,
Well, mustering the knowledge (by himself) in any field is definitely not a redundancy and such knowledge is greatly appreciated when used appropriately on the issues of life from one corner to other, for the benefit of an individual or Society. Merely forcing the mind into a system, a pattern, obviously doesn't necessarily fetch any knowledge! Addition of interdisciplinary subjects to law, make the students leaving no choice but have got to learn them! Please let me know if I have interpreted your first thread wrongly and how!
How is it a right direction?
After all, the major brain drain is happening from IITians only, so what is the advantage of introducing law subjects to them! So far, IITKGP is planning to introduce law subject(s) and why don't all the IIT schools implement the same? Is it not a brand building exercise for the IITs? Preponderance of IITians are settled in the USA or making huge money in the US, have contributed very little to these Govt. supported prestigious colleges! I don't feel it's a good move unless you have a legitimate reason here! I would say, instead spend the same money for the betterment of Govt. Law colleges to churn out the best lawyers (for India).
Why only Biology and why not other Sciences including management or leadership skills etc., are sine a qua non for lawyers? 
I woud say, introducing joint degree programs would give an option for students to choose on what they want to pursue! 
Please consider these are only my views, there may be any substantial information which is beyond my imagination! 


Kamal Grover (Advocate High Court Chandigarh M:09814110005     08 September 2009

It is a very good decision. Atleast general public will not be fooled due to lack of knowledge and we lawyers will also found suitable friends who can provide us deep knowledge of cyber crimes.

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