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Harish (Manager)     29 October 2013

Jurisdiction of district consumer forum

Hi All Experts/ Guru,


I need help in clarifying the jurisdiction of a district consumer Forum -


I have purchased a mobile handset from my hard earned money at a retail shop in city X, state A (while working in that location) . Soon After I came to my home ( during vacation ) at city Y, state B where I found my mobile does not works on a service for which it is sold for (emailing feature ). I contact the customer care telephonically and through mail but nothing serves the purpose.  Meanwhile I got transferred back to hometown i.e city Y, State B. But due to family reason I have shifted home to a nearby city T in state C. At this location, I visited the phone manufacturer’s authorized service centre for the help/ repair which also result futile as the defective service could not worked.

The mobile manufacturer company has its headquarters at city Z, state C (The same state where I am currently living but in different far off city). The company has its customer care head office in city Y, State B. (The same state and city where I was earlier living and currently working)

I have sent legal notice to customer care head for which no response came and then after a lot of research regarding Jurisdiction of a consumer forum, I filed a consumer case at a district forum under whose Jurisdiction the mobile company’s customer care head office falls in i.e.  At a district in city Y , state B keeping the customer care head as Opponent 1 and rest 3 ( Manufacturer , Seller, Sevice center ) as other opponents.


To Summarize – (state wise )



Handset Purchased at

city X , state A

Handset Manufacturer customer care head office

city Y, State B

My earlier Home

city Y, state B

Case filed at a district

city Y, state B

My current Home

city T, state C

Service center visited

city T, state C

Handset Manufacture Head office

city Z , state C


Now the opponet lawyer ( on behalf customer service head and  manufacturer  ) has filed an application to the consumer forum for dismissing my complaint saying –

“That neither the product has been purchased within the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Forum nor the applicant doing business within the jurisdiction of this Hon'ble forum and as such Hon'ble Forum has no territorial jurisdiction to grant the relief as prayed under the present complaint.”


The opponent lawyer has given reference of a decision given by National CONSUMER DI'SPU1ES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, NEW DELHI (REVISION PETITION NO. 1567 OF 2012

(From order dated 24.01.2012 in RP No. 81 of 201.1 of the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Chennai)


My simple argument is that since my majority of the communication regarding the complaint went with customer care head office whose location very well falls under the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Forum and I have made him as opponent 1 in the case therefore the forum has every right to take up the case .


Please correct me if I understanding is wrong and please help me to substantiate my arguments. I have spent a lot of time and money in all this and do not want to move back .

For your quick reference

As per Section 11 of the consumer protection Act 1986 (amnd upto )(reproduce here as ) regarding Jurisdiction of the District Forum.-


(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the District Forum shall have jurisdiction to entertain complaints where the value of the goods or services and the compensation, if any, claimed "does not exceed rupees twenty lakhs. (2) A complaint shall be instituted in a District Forum within the local limits of whose jurisdiction,-

(a) the opposite party or each of the opposite parties, where there are more than one, at the time of the institution of the complaint, actually and voluntarily resides or carries on business or has a branch office or personally works for gain, or

(b) any of the opposite parties, where there are more than one, at the time of the institution of the complaint, actually and voluntarily resides, or carries 'on business or has a branch office, or personally works for gain, provided that in such case either the permission of the District Forum is given, or the opposite parties who do not reside, or carry on business or have a branch office, or personally work for gain, as the case may be, acquiesce in such institution; or

 (c) the cause of action, wholly or in part, arises.


 12 Replies

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     31 October 2013

What is the meaning of each of the Opposite Parties? Does it mean each and every one of the Opposite Parties? This is poor English. Clause 11.2. (b)  and (c) can apply to your case.

Sub-clause (b) can apply if the Forum agrees.

Your position is stronger under sub-clause (c). The cause of action in your case did not arise when you purchased the instrument contrary what the Opposite Party lawyer claims; the cause of action was the inability of the authorized service centre to repair your instrument. Until then there was no need for you to approach the Forum.  Hence you can very well advance this argument in your favour under sub-clause (c).

What is the present status of the case? Was there a hearing after the Opposite Party lawyer presented his argument? If not you should present your argument as a written affidavit before the next hearing starts and also orally present your case effectively at the hearing.

Who is the "applicant" mentioned by the lawyer?



Harish (Manager)     31 October 2013

First of all thanks for your reply.

To answer your questions -

1) What is the present status of the case? Was there a hearing after the Opposite Party lawyer presented his argument? - Hearing is scheduled for Next week and so.

2) If not you should present your argument as a written affidavit before the next hearing starts and also orally present your case effectively at the hearing --> Will be doing that and for that only I need experts comments ( like you).

Who is the "applicant" mentioned by the lawyer? --> This was bit confusing to me also, but I guess the lawyer is referring to me as applicant.

Few points to add , I have found few technical faults as well in his application/request for rejecting my case like -

1) Spelling of my name is incorrect in his application/request.

2) The application/request is neither signed by the lawyer nor by the opponents he is representing .

3) He has filed the application/ request for cancellation on behalf of 2 opponets ( on behalf customer service head and  manufacturer  ) but the concluding/ending line has only text as Your sincerely OP2 i.e manufacturer  only.

Can I take benefits of these technical faults as well and if yes till what extent it will help ( will it just allows to get another date for fixing technical faults ) or some other kind of impact I can show .

Please respond .

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     01 November 2013

from your contents it can be understood that the company is taking stand to defend itself through all possible and available opportunities.  However, you can argue yourself stating that the opposite party (company) neither replied nor complied with your demands in the legal notice but now they are trying to fill up the lacunae through such false and misleading statements.  The provision for filing such cases as per jurisdiction and question about its per contra was not raised by the forum itself hence there is nothing wrong in it.

1 Like

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     01 November 2013

1) Spelling of your name: This is of lesser consequence.

2) Absence of signature This is a valid point.

3) This also makes the application (by the lawyer deficient).

You can certainly take advantage of these deficiencies.

After you submitted your complaint, you alone would have been called for the first hearing when the Forum would decide whether your complaint was admissible or not. If it was found not admissible for any reason, the Forum would have rejected it then and there itself. Admissibility would cover territorial jurisdiction also.

At first pointing out the above deficiencies, you can also counter the arguments of the other lawyer.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     01 November 2013

1) Spelling of your name: This is of lesser consequence.

2) Absence of signature This is a valid point.

3) This also makes the application (by the lawyer deficient).

You can certainly take advantage of these deficiencies.

After you submitted your complaint, you alone would have been called for the first hearing when the Forum would decide whether your complaint was admissible or not. If it was found not admissible for any reason, the Forum would have rejected it then and there itself. Admissibility would cover territorial jurisdiction also.

At first pointing out the above deficiencies, you can also counter the arguments of the other lawyer.

1 Like

Harish (Manager)     04 November 2013

Thanks for your kind responses. But what I fears is that - The opponent lawyer has given reference of a decision given by NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPU1ES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, NEW DELHI (REVISION PETITION NO. 1567 OF 2012 ( copy attached with this post ) , which he might be uisng as single point of defense  .  I know I should be trying my best to convince the forum that the applicability of that decision is not of direct relevance to my case but I need to prove that . But can I defense against that decision much ? If yes, how  ?

Kindly have a look at the copy of the decision and please reply. Seeking your kind sipport.

Attached File : 777170140 rp-1567-2012.pdf downloaded: 256 times

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     04 November 2013

An opinion can be given only if  (1) details of the actual case is known. Three opposite parties have been mentioned one each in Gurgaon, Bhatinda and Coimbatore. The only things known are the item was purchased from Bhatinda and the complaint was filed before the Forum in Coimbatore. The National Forum says that the cause of action did not take place in Coimbatore but in Bhatinda. Do the National and the State Commission consider the purchase as the cause of action or did some other thing happen in Bhatinda only. For instance if the complaint was about the price charged, the cause of action was in Bhatinda only.

The Consumer Act gives three criteria to decide territorial jurisdiction under Section: 11 (a), (b) or (c). There is the word “or” between sub-clauses. It is enough if any one of them is satisfied. The words of the State Commission, repeated by the National Commission appear to hold that only (c) is applicable in this case. In Coimbatore there is an office of Whirlpool itself. Hence sub-Sections (a) or (b) also could have been applied. Again it is not possible to say anything definitely without knowing what exactly the complaint was.

Even if you are able to get details and rebut the arguments of the National Commission, you cannot save your case without knowing the details of the Supreme Court cases referred to by the National Commission.

Whenever there is a case law with a judgment of an upper court, the lower courts will not touch it. They may not care to see even if the upper court decision will be applicable to the case before them. Only the highest court which gave the other decision will be competent to reverse it or give a different interpretation. .

Now I give a few words about the Consumer Protection Act.  As the name itself says it is for the protection of the consumer (against the Opposite Party). Hence the Sections are constructed  liberally to favour the Consumer, who will be the weaker of the two parties. The Opposite Party will be strong and also often omnipresent as in the case of Whirlpool. The Consumer will be an individual who can afford to go only to the nearest court. On the other hand the Opposite Party can go anywhere in the country. In the case of other civil cases territorial jurisdictions are restrictive. Unfortunately the judges who would have had their experience in other civil cases only, give decisions as in those cases.

If your case could come under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1855, your hopes will be dim. There is Supreme Court decision by Justice Markanday Katju, who is very much in the news these days, saying that cases coming under Section 7B are out of bounds for any court.


I suggest that you try to get details from the bottom of the case cited by you as well as other SC cases cited by the National Commission.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     04 November 2013

An opinion can be given only if  (1) details of the actual case is known. Three opposite parties have been mentioned one each in Gurgaon, Bhatinda and Coimbatore. The only things known are the item was purchased from Bhatinda and the complaint was filed before the Forum in Coimbatore. The National Forum says that the cause of action did not take place in Coimbatore but in Bhatinda. Do the National and the State Commission consider the purchase as the cause of action or did some other thing happen in Bhatinda only. For instance if the complaint was about the price charged, the cause of action was in Bhatinda only.

The Consumer Act gives three criteria to decide territorial jurisdiction under Section: 11 (a), (b) or (c). There is the word “or” between sub-clauses. It is enough if any one of them is satisfied. The words of the State Commission, repeated by the National Commission appear to hold that only (c) is applicable in this case. In Coimbatore there is an office of Whirlpool itself. Hence sub-Sections (a) or (b) also could have been applied. Again it is not possible to say anything definitely without knowing what exactly the complaint was.

Even if you are able to get details and rebut the arguments of the National Commission, you cannot save your case without knowing the details of the Supreme Court cases referred to by the National Commission.

Whenever there is a case law with a judgment of an upper court, the lower courts will not touch it. They may not care to see even if the upper court decision will be applicable to the case before them. Only the highest court which gave the other decision will be competent to reverse it or give a different interpretation. .

Now I give a few words about the Consumer Protection Act.  As the name itself says it is for the protection of the consumer (against the Opposite Party). Hence the Sections are constructed  liberally to favour the Consumer, who will be the weaker of the two parties. The Opposite Party will be strong and also often omnipresent as in the case of Whirlpool. The Consumer will be an individual who can afford to go only to the nearest court. On the other hand the Opposite Party can go anywhere in the country. In the case of other civil cases territorial jurisdictions are restrictive. Unfortunately the judges who would have had their experience in other civil cases only, give decisions as in those cases.

If your case could come under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1855, your hopes will be dim. There is Supreme Court decision by Justice Markanday Katju, who is very much in the news these days, saying that cases coming under Section 7B are out of bounds for any court.


I suggest that you try to get details from the bottom of the case cited by you as well as other SC cases cited by the National Commission.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     04 November 2013

If the hearing of the case is not already over you ask for adjournment to study and reply.

Harish (Manager)     04 November 2013

Once again my sincere thanks for your guidance and inputs. As suggested I have searched these 3

1) Copy of original complaint (C.C. NO.78/2011) as filed at district consumer forum COIMBATORE àOfficially it is not available online, however I got the complaint file by the complainant at some public forum. (Attached as original complaint)


2) Copy of the decision passed by District forum in that case. à Got it but of no use at all because it just says “complaint is returned to the complainant for presenting it before the Forum having jurisdiction, within two months” (Attached as Judgment at District Consumer forum)


3) Copy of the decision passed by State Commission Tamil Nadu à I searched a LOT for case Appeal No. 81/2011 date 24/01/2012 but could not get the copy of the decision)

 I also searched the other judgments as referred by National commission in its judgment, but my focus is now proving that the case at Coimbatore itself does not of direct relevance / not on similar grounds because I believe if I prove this the other inherent decision will become irrelevant to my case.

Please comment with your opinion and inputs.

Attached File : 990831201 original complaint.doc, 990831201 judgement at district consumer forum.doc downloaded: 101 times

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     06 November 2013

It is possible to download all the judgments. You go to Google and search for "Consumer court judgments". That will lead you to all the judgments especially since their numbers and dates are also available. You may have to go to India Kanoon for Supreme Court judgments. I tried yesterday. I could not do it for want of time.

As I told you it would be an uphill task to argue the case in your favour. When a higher court judgment is there, the lower court will not touch with a pair of tongs even. Hence if the hearings are not over, you better ask for adjournment for time to study the argument of the opposite party.

If you disclose to me your Cities and States I may be able to help you better.

The Coimbatore court had first given a judgment in favour of the complainant. The Opposite Party went to State Consumer Commission, which directed the Coimbatore court to reverse its earlier order. What you have sent to me is the reversed order of the Coimbatore court and not its initial order favouring the Complainant.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     06 November 2013

Please try the following website

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