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Eccentric_Floydian (student)     23 September 2012

Icici bank people harassing me and my family

Hello people,

ICICI Bank is harassing me and my grandfather, father uncle etc. The problem is some relative of my grandfather took a loan from ICICI bank and gave my grandfather as a name for gurantee. But my grandfather clearly deny that he didn't signed any gurantee for the loan. I think that the relative must have forged my grandfather's signature and his identity. 

They are repeatedly calling me, my father and my grandfather. They are using very wrong words and abuses. We have no relation to ICICI Bank and didn't gave any gurantee. Now they are saying that they will call even my friends and other people through my call list. I have a vodafone connection. 

Now my question is how can i get out of all this? Should I file F.I.R against ICICI bank for harassment? And how these mobile companies gave my and my family personal call details to these bank people? We didn't borrow any money and we have to face insult of other friends and relatives as they are calling them too. What should I do? 

 5 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     23 September 2012

You may lodge a police complaint under acknowledgment and obtain complaint number and demand that ownership detail of phone numbers from which calls are made be provided to you also.Later you may demand to know the status of action taken thru RTI.

You may  submit a representation in writing under acknowledgment to local BM of ICICI bank and take prominent person along with you e.g. councillor and demand that name of firm/company, Propr/Director, manager, executives of coolection/recovery agency, who have been calling from phoen numbers.............on provided to you by letter on letterhead of the bank under original seal and signature of BM.You may make BM a party in your police complaint.

You may record the phone calls and speak date and time and ask the calling person his/her name, designation, dept, address with pin code,name of his recovery firm,its propr/director, manager, and name of ICICI bank's manager who has forwarded your phoen numbers and credentials to recovery agency.You may also demand certified copy of loan application, loan agreement, KYC docs collected by bank, loan approval letter. Bank has to meet guaranot in person, to obtain signature in person,and see originals of KYC docs and write OSY under seal and signature of the comeptent employee of the bank. Who has endorsed meeting your grandfather and OSY? Bank is under obligation to supply the docs to substantiate its claim. bank shall approach gurantor if bank has failed to locate and recover loan from loanee.Guarantor should help the bank to locate and make the loanee available. You should narrate in writing all calls made by agents, telescriptt of the calls and statement of the bank  thru its agents that it shall call your { son and grandson of your grandfather} relatives and friends.If your grandfather is a senior citizen involve welfare society officials and insult this BM by creating a gathering in the bank. Call media and shoot letters to MD,Nodal Officer, Chairman of the bank and demand that they beg apology in writing, and supply you the complete identitiy of the calling persons with the copy of their employemnt forms and thier current res. and permananent address so that you can sue them in their indivisual capacity.

Collect complaints against this bank from various online consumer portals and make a file and publish the huge number of complaints against this bank in media online portals. Just type consumer complaints on GOOGLE and you shall get huge number of comaplints.Tame and shame them.

ICICI bank and HDFC bank top in flouting norms.

RBI has issued clear instructions that agents can not call a person multiple number of times in a day, can not be rude, coercive, threatening.

Even if your grandfather has in reality provided guarantee bank and its agents can not call your father, you leave apart

your friends relatives. Ask all of your relatives to record calls and be your witness.

By now bank would have reported your grandfather as defaulter in credit rating companies e.g. CIBIL. Demand copy of the CIBIL report from bank and certified  copy of the communication by email/letter whihc bank has sent to CIBIL to include your grandftaher in list of defaulters.

Adopt TIT for TAT approach.

There are consumer help groups who have helped many citizens.You may lodge a complaint with them.



The consumer court judgements gainst this bank can be seen at



You may issue legal notice to the bank's MD, Chairman, local BM and demand each and everything mentioned above and any other doc,record, data which may think of and apology in writing.

ICICI bank has posted on its website:

If a customer's family member has defaulted, will it affect the customer's status in CIBIL's records?

The CIBIL report has information of loan/credit details of the borrower only. Therefore, for a retail customer, it would not matter if someone in his/her family has defaulted. If the customer's repayment track record is okay, his/her credit score will not be affected by that of his/her family members.

Bank should not disturb the family members.

Attached File : 924624052 9 master circular on credit card operations of banks.pdf, 924624052 credit card operations of banks rbi circular.pdf, 924624052 rbi banks to provide credit reports to customers.doc downloaded: 261 times

Kumar Doab (FIN)     23 September 2012

This bank shall continue to torment you if you do not act.

If you are innocent be proactive. Gherao this bank with prominet citizens, crowd of well wishers. Tame and shame them. Let everyone know that they should not bank with ICICI and let everyone in your circle cancell their a/c with this bank which has been littering nuisance.

You may report the conduct of the bank to RBI,BCSBI,IBA.

Consumer help groups:


Grahak Seva had acted promptly on complaints of some of the querists of LCI.


You may find the attachments useful.

Attached File : 924624052 cibil icici.doc, 924624052 iba model policy for grivance redressal in banks.pdf downloaded: 193 times

Kumar Doab (FIN)     23 September 2012



you shall previous judgements by DCDRF, State and National Commission.

After you have obtained the certified copies{ under seal and signture of competent employee of the bank} Your grandfather may mention in his representation to the bank and police that he has never signed as guarantor{ if it is true} and bank should catch hold of its employee, and borrrower and remove his name from bank records at once.

ICICI bank has been thrashed by apex court in attached judgement.

Attached File : 924624052 liability of the gurantor in loan.doc, 924624052 9 9 judgment on credit card 2.pdf downloaded: 307 times

icicibankcare (Bank)     26 September 2012


Please send us your contact details to and we'll contact you to address your concern. Kindly refer ' 3494575' in the subject.


ICICI Bank Customer Service Team

Kumar Doab (FIN)     26 September 2012


In other threads also, ICICIBank Care asked the querists to provide their contact details and later the querists pointed out that bank kept on dilly delaying and did nothing.

It is felt that bank simply wanted that querist stops’ writing on a legal help portal and bank is not subjected to more bad publicity, and humiliation.

In the following SC judgment {already attached} ICICI bank has been thrashed by the court on their style, practice, methodology of recovery agents.



RBI has set strict rules for banks.

This bank seems to be a habitual offender as per various judgments, and flood on consumer complaints.

You may submit a final warning/notice to MD, Chairman, BM of the bank and if bank does not adhere to your instructions you may lodge a criminal complaint.

Let the courts lift the veil and send the offenders to Correction Centre which is also termed as jail.

Approach your lawyer as ap.



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