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anish patil (owner)     11 May 2012

How long mcd case can run

how long mcd case can run?

my 1st motion and second motion is also done 

i am not willing to give divorce so i submit the application to withdraw my consent but still my second motion is done they give us next day 11 june 2012

stil waiting for this case what should i expect the time limit for descion?

some one says its 18 month is this true?


 9 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     11 May 2012

It depends on the court pending cases.  Older cases will be given first preference

rajiv_lodha (zz)     11 May 2012

Kindly clarify, what happened on 2nd motion?

Did u withdraw consent in 2nd motion or its an afterthought!

anish patil (owner)     11 May 2012

i withdraw my consent after first motion 

and atsecond motion the counssillor feels tht we take some more time

cant judge have power to stop this case

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     12 May 2012

the MCD case should be dismissed.

anish patil (owner)     12 May 2012

still runing wht should expect

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     12 May 2012

if u have filed application to withdraw ur consent on 2nd motion, and ur next date is 11 th june, then the case will be dismissed on 11th june.

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     12 May 2012

reasoning - 

MCD can not happen without the consent of both the parties.

anish patil (owner)     12 May 2012

i submit the apllication after first motion so how could my second motion done?

rajiv_lodha (zz)     31 May 2012

U have to be physically present & pronounce in court too, before the judge that u are withdrawing the consent without any influence r fear etc etc.

Some judges are specific about their procedures.........................anyways end result is the same. MCD will be dismissed upon ur statement.

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