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Vikash yadav (not applicable)     20 May 2012

Gift deed by mother

mother gifted a property to son and after 6 months son gift the same property to his mother.

is there any legal problem in the title deed while giving legal opinion for bank loan?


 3 Replies

STUDENT.... (.......)     21 May 2012

No I Don't think so... Since she has already gifted the property to you hence you become the owner of the property and if you are gifting the same back to your mother then there is no problem in the same.

Ajit Singh Cheema (practising Advocate)     21 May 2012

The return of the gift within six months shall amount to non acceptance of the gift.If the Chain of title is complete and formalities for both gifts are completeand the property has been mutated in the name of the mother,There shall not be any problem with title search of the property.

Sree (na)     21 May 2012

If the gift deeds are being registred, results in it validity..............

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