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Imtiyaz Ahmed (DM)     18 December 2012

Dues not payed by the company

Dear Sirs,

Please advice me with the appropriate action to be taken towards my below stated grievance.

I worked in a pvt ltd company in Bangalore for around 2 years. Due to the reason of absense from the duty, the company issued me termination letter on 9th October 2012 and I was releaved from the duties on 13th October 2012. The company holded my salary for September 2012.

Even after two months of releaving, my salary of September 2012 and other dues are not paid by the company till date. The F&F settlement along with experience certificate is still due.

Since after one month of releaving, I have been contineously contacting the Accounts head over the phone requesting for the payment but he is not responding positively.

Even I have sent many mails to the HR, Accounts head and the MD requesting for the release of salary and other dues but none of my emails have been replied by the concerned.


In this circumstances, please advice me what should I do inorder to get the dues paid by the company.

 5 Replies

VIRAJ KADAM (Advocate Supreme Court of India)     18 December 2012


Dear friend

You have to identify yourself first. That mean you must know, if you are covered under the labor laws, industrial laws. If you are governed by the same, then the remedy is under the respective laws.

I assume that you have accepted your termination and you have not challenged the same. First of all, you must issue legal notice demanding your dues and thereafter, move Court of law for recovery.


Viraj Kadam


Supreme Court of India 


Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 December 2012

Mr. Viraj has given valuable advice. Kindly follow it.

In a given situation employee can approach trade union, and/or invoke the provisions of ID Act, IESO Act, Payment of Wages Act, SE Act etc………as per explanation of employee under the provisions of these enactments or approach civil court. Designation alone does not decide that employee is a workman or not.

It shall be appropriate to approach a competent and experienced service lawyer/labor consultant with copies of all of your documents salary slips, termination order, appointment letter, standing orders, service rule book, HR policy,emails etc and give inputs in person and proceed under expert advice of your lawyer. Your lawyer shall evaluate the merits and may opine that you fall within the category of workman.

Company may yield to legal notice of your lawyer or you may have to agitate in the appropriate forum. Company may yield to your demands during conciliation proceedings in o/o ALC or the ALC shall issue reference to Labor Court.


In a situation like posted by you companies are known to delay or even deny settlement and dump the employee in courts.

The termination has its own implications and can burden the employee in times to come.

Company is expected to follow the process of supplying the communications, show cause notice, legal notice, advt. etc before effecting termination and supply the order of termination.

If the establishment is covered by IESO act and standing orders of the company has been extended to your designation you may refer to the provisions of standing orders of the company.

If company has not framed its standing orders model standing orders shall apply.


13.  Termination of employment.--(1) For terminating employment of a permanent workmen, notice in writing shall be given either by the employer or the workmen - one month’s notice in the case of monthly-rated workmen and two weeks’ notice in the case of other workmen: one month’s or two week’s pay, as the case may be, may be paid in lieu of notice.

        (2)   No temporary workman whether monthly-rated, weekly-rated or piece-rated and no probationer or badli shall be entitled  to any notice or  pay in lieu thereof if his services are terminated ,but the services of a temporary workman shall not be terminated as a punishment unless he has been given an opportunity of explaining the charges of misconduct alleged against him in the manner prescribed in Paragraph 14.

        (3)   Where the employment of any workmen is terminated, the wages earned by him and other dues, if any, shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the day on which his employment is terminated.


16.  Certificate on termination of service.--Every permanent  workman shall be entitled to a service certificate at the time of his dismissal, discharge or retirement from service.


NOTE. - There is a provision under  this  Act for issuing a service certificate at the time of  dismissal, discharge or retirement and every person is entitled to take such certificate.



Company should encash the paid leave, add bonus, and show it in FNF statement and adjust notice pay against paid leave etc. Company should pay wages and should not withhold wages. If company has to recover still some amount it may spend its money to recover thru court.

You may address all representations by letter thru redg. post to good offices of your appointing authority, MD, Company Secretary, Chairman company and ask to supply you the correct FNF statement {with leave encashment, gratuity, bonus, performance pay etc…..} on letterhead of the company/prescribed stationary with logo and address of company under original seal and signature by hand of the competent employee of the company with his/her full name/designation/dept/address under his signature, form 16 as per correct FNF statement, PF number, PF account slips for whole service period, attested copies of PF withdrawal/transfer forms{ submit the forms under acknowledgment}as you shall submit these on your own to PF office, work experience/service certificate, relieving letter, NOC/NDC… etc. You may add that postage prepaid { as purchased from PO} self addressed envelope with postage stamps of Rs……affixed on it is enclosed for sending the reply by redg. post to you and all communications be sent to you by redg. post only.

All officials of the company are not empowered to sign on the letter head of the company and if company replied by letter some senior and competent official shall reply.

You may even try by seeking an appointment from good offices; however submit the minutes of discussion.

If you have some handle on the company you may apply it and resolve the matter in your favor.

If nothing works you may proceed under expert advice of your lawyer.


Attached File : 1036659587 model%20standing%20orders.doc downloaded: 148 times

ADVOCATE Prem Joshi (Advocate/ Legal Consultant)     18 December 2012

Kindly follow the advice of Mr. Kumar.

Imtiyaz Ahmed (DM)     20 December 2012

Dear Sir,


Thank you very much for your valuable advice. However, I seek clarification towards the following. Kindly clairfy the same.


 1. How can I know whether I am covered under the labor laws or industrial laws. ( The company in which I was workingis a Project Management Consultancy firm.

2. If I have to approach a lawyer and the court, I only have to bear the expenses or I can claim those expenses from the company?

3. Whether I can claim for the compensation from the company for the delay of payment?


Dear All readers,

Please suggest me the some of the lawyers in Bangalore to whome I can approach for my issue.


Thanks and regards.

Imtiyaz Ahmed.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 December 2012

Your lawyer may examine your appointment letter, may ask you a set of questions on nature of your duties, job functions, tasks performed by you, authority and control enjoyed by you on paper, etc ………… and based on your feedback can evaluate you shall fall within the category of workman or not.


Your lawyer can answer what claim you can lodge and what you can get.


If you wish to avail the services of LCI lawyer you can search at


Your near and dear ones can also guide to you to a competent and experienced service lawyer/labor consultant.

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