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Divorce consultancy only for men

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Samuel (CEO)     26 November 2012

@RK, Good to know your stories, but wondering how this will help us to change the impression on the post?/ in other words, how this story would  shut our mouth?. Moreover this is 90% scenario every men would come across we are also in the rough patch and a victim…


Let me say, we have many common points…,


1. I was born on Feb 14th and I was in US with colorful life and now I am in Chennai deserted by a cunning wife.


2. I have also committed the same mistakes as you stated in ur story.


3.1st biggest mistake in my life of marrying without knowing each other well.


4th biggest mistake in my life of having a baby from a loveless relationship of husband & wife and accepting that I am not the most romantic person rather a most foolish person.



Please provide your consultancy how I can compromise my wife for the divorce( Note: 498A and DV not yet come on stage judiciary but they have made complaints in Women commission and Police station) .


She neither ready for Divorce nor living with me…

Rasik Dagli (Lawyer)     26 November 2012

Under the guise of "BEING TIRED" you are trying to evad the the real facts. This itself proves that what you are posting is nothing but a SCAM. It is clear that you have nothing to show as to on what bases  you claim to  do "Divorce Consultenacy"

Please note that you can make some persons fool at some time but you can not make all persons fool all the time. LCI is a portal of elite people and mainly ror Lawyers. It is not beefiting you to post your " Advertisments" frequently. We hope that you will stop this immediately and preserve the decorum of the Portal.




RK (adada)     26 November 2012

Ok Guys Good to know that Wise People out here wants me to type more to prove my authenticity which is any way established by now since I shared my Contact number.

Anyways let me type the rest of the story on how I finally got the contested divorce converted into the Mutual one.

My wife was not interested in giving the divorce under any circumstance, no matter what.
Money no issues,
family backup no issues

After the mandatory separation period of 1 year, I filed the case in Feb,11

1st Hearing in March end, Petition filed by me and handed over,

2nd Hearing May.. Petition response came from my wife's side

3rd Hearing July... Reconcilation hearing which was denied by the Judge after hearing both of us.

Then CRPC 125 filed by wife and Maintenace under Section 24 HMA in divorce act............

This all was going on and in the meantime my wife started sending emails and maligning my reputation in my organization which she came to know somehow.




Ofcourse I had to buy the Police.

Mutual terms finally started in Jan,12 in multiple discussions over one time compensation and then we mutually filed for Divorce in Jan end and after 6 months i.e Aug,12, I got it.

However there were some bottlenecks making her come to court but YOU HAVE TO GET NUDE  (as rightly said my Tajobs that I am nude)AND GET AWAY WITH YOUR SELF RESPECT AND EGO.

Wo kehte hain na kee zindagi mein kuch paane ke liye kuch haarna padta hai aur haar kar jeetne waale ko hee bazigar kehte hain.

Now I am a happy married man, ofcourse I shelled out lot of money but that is a very small cost to get the divorce and my life back to track.

My Friends, The Strategy depends upon case to case and my strategy may not work for others, thats why I wanted to give the consultancy....


stanley (Freedom)     26 November 2012

Thanks Romantic Guy for accepting the fact that the strategty depends on a case to cae basis !!

your below statement is taking a different form of expression :(

However there were some bottlenecks making her come to court but YOU HAVE TO GET NUDE  (as rightly said my Tajobs that I am nude)AND GET AWAY WITH YOUR SELF RESPECT AND EGO.

Samuel (CEO)     26 November 2012

My observation:

1. Your case turned to close by Luck.

2. You had to buy police and played around (hopefully, you would have not screwed your wife a much!!)

3. I can’t buy your story on my case in any form, however, it’s good to know that you are being proactive and taken some actions lieu of your favor. .

Hope you have a good life ahead. Again, May I kindly insist with this single Luck abided win-win story cannot take to the consultancy level.

Think, if your wife had not sent any emails.. you will be  still looking for some consultancy like me.

Rasik Dagli (Lawyer)     26 November 2012

LCI is a portal for Elite people and for Lawyers.

One should stop posting "advertisewments" for seeking work .More so when claim made is false and not justifed.

Mearely saying that"I am Tired" is to evade the true facts. This also proves that claim is false and it is a Scam as described earlier.


RK (adada)     27 November 2012

Mr Rasik

Infact  you are right that LCI portal is for Lawyers so that they can advertise their work .YOU DIDNOT READ THE REST OF THE STORY.

Dont tell me what Lawyer is capable of since I only instructed my lawyer what to do in my case, Lawyers role is only to do the documentation and share the laws details and thats what they are paid for.

Regarding my false claims, I am a WINNER who has successfully won the divorce case against my wife and I am here to help and not make any money since I myself belong to an Elite class.

I am neither a lawyer nor a Legal expert however I know much more than what lawyers know and I exactly know how the divorce can be obtained by Men in women centric laws of the land, wherein an innocent man 
gets entangled in legal cases which drags for years and years...


Even though a judgement is given at lower court, it can again be appealed in higher courts and imagine how many years of precious life is wasted for the client....... Just think....



Hope you got what I am trying to say

RK (adada)     27 November 2012

Dear Stanley

Ofcourse Strategy depends on case to case basis only... If you can understand human psychology you will agree that when anybody has to do something under pressure..... Nakhre to honge na and that needs to be taken care of again on case on case basis.

By saying Being Nude and withough self respect, I mean that one needs to be focused in divorce approach and come to mutual terms in a broad manner rather

RK (adada)     27 November 2012

Hi Samuel
Please find my answers below"


. Your case turned to close by Luck.

<RK> Luck favours those who play strategically and with intelligence

2. You had to buy police and played around (hopefully, you would have not screwed your wife a much!!)
<RK> Putting pressure on the other party is a key to success, Why should a wife give the divorce if she does not want to give?

3. I can’t buy your story on my case in any form, however, it’s good to know that you are being proactive and taken some actions lieu of your favor. .
<RK> THinking ahead and a proactive approach is required to take a divorce in a minimum period.

Hope you have a good life ahead. Again, May I kindly insist with this single Luck abided win-win story cannot take to the consultancy level.
<RK> Consultancy is case by case only and the strategy depends upon case to case...... since no 2 cases are alike.

Think, if your wife had not sent any emails.. you will be still looking for some consultancy like me.

<RK> If not emails then still I would have put the pressure in some way or another, Its never easy to win. Continue with the consultancy sessions from the lawyers and I am sure that you will get the divorce one fine day,,,,, Let me know I hope I wont be 60 years by then..... Best of luch

Samuel (CEO)     27 November 2012

@RK: Plz understand the point is not about money and business.., all that we insist is with less exposure and experience you cannot give councelling which will result misleading on some body's life. Being said, sharing your experinece and view is always invited. But definately NOT under the name of councelling.

When I first read your posting I was so attracted and over guessed that you are kind of some agency and aiding in benefit of victims..., I can understand your helping mind, but you need little guidance to streamline your thoughts to rend help.


Rajinder (Asstt.Executive Engineer)     28 November 2012

     Dear Mr.R.K

Kindly help me :

I got married in Feb 1995,out of the wedlock two children a girl and a boy were born.I am working as Sr.civil Engineer in Govt deptt.and of 48 years old. Due to unavoidable circumstances marriage could not last despite my best efforts .She is working in a govt deptt. as Science teacher. I filed a petition U/S 13 HM act in Matrimonial court for divorce after her final desertion from the matrimonial home, leaving behind daughter age 5.5 years and son age 3.5 years with me and my ailing aged mother in 4/2002. During the pendency of petition in Matrimonial court u/s 13 filed by me in 6/2002, and after the reconciliation efforts failed, she approached me in January 2004 ,and proposed for moving a joint petition u/s 15 HM act for mutual consent with some of her conditions viz. alimony ,property and custody of the children. On this a lawyer was consulted of her choice and a joint petition submitted in the court of distt. judge matrimonial ,who after examining both the petitioners, recorded statements in the court. Wife wanted the distt court to refer the case to Lok Adalat for immediate settlement as she wanted money/alimony and property. On the joint request of both ,the hon`ble judge after recording the statements on 21-1-2004 ,referred the case to Lok adalat, The case was listed on 27-1-2004 before the Lok Adalat comprising of the three judges of the rank of Principal and Session Judge and two other distt judges. Statements of both the parties recorded in the Lok Adalat,wife received alimony of Rs.4.00 lacs before the Lok adalat, share in my house, Did not prefer the custody of two minor children .Alimony was paid by me in cash before the court and possession taken of her share in the house. Order was passed by the court and decree of divorce by mutual consent awarded. .children to remain under care and custody of father only ordered by the court as mother had refused custody. AFTER ABOUT ONE MONTH OF PASSING OF DECREE OF DIVORCE AND ATTAINING THE FINALITY i.e on 21-2-2204, SHE WITHDRAWS HER PETITIONFILED BY UNDER SECTION 7-WARDS AND GUARDIANS ACT IN THE DISTT.MATRIMONIAL COURT STATING THAT THE MARRIAGE HAS BEEN DISSOLVED BY DECREE OF DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT BY THE LOK ADALAT,AND CHILDREN SHALL REMAIN IN THE CARE AND CUSTODY OF THE FATHER AS SUCH PETITION FILED BY HER U/S 7 MAY BE WITHDRAWN, DISTT JUDGE MATRIMONIAL AFTER RECORDING THE STATEMENT PASSED THE ORDER FOR WITHDRAWL OF PETITION U/S 7 BY HER AND SIMILARILY PETITION FILED BY ME UNDER SECTION 13 HMA WAS WITHDRAWN ON MY REQUEST. After the settlement ,taking alimony ,share, etc. having an after thought plan after 5-6months, filed a petition in Hon`ble High court against the Lok adalat decision.(taking one of the plea of six months waiting period ),whereas she herself had requested the matrimonial court to refer the matter to LOK ADALAT for speedy disposal (statements recorded in the court). The writ/appeal was admitted in the High court and the decree awarded by the Lok adalat stayed on 8th.Oct 2004.And again the sinle judge after hearing the case in Oct 2005,passed the judgement after one year i.e in on 30th Oct 2006,and allowed the appeal/writ and refered back the matter to matrimonial court. Agrieved by the decision of the Sinle Judge of Hon`ble High Court, I filed an appeal(LPA) before the division bench of Hon`ble High court in Nov.2006. Division bench of Hon`ble High Court deliverd its judgement in my favour, thus dissmissing the writ petition and held that "It was contended that the public policy of giving an opportunity to rethink, as contained in sub-section 2 of Section 15 of the Jammu and Kashmir Hindu Marriage Act, 1980, would be defeated if the decree passed by Lok Adalat is not interfered with. It is true that sub25 section 2 of Section 15 of the Act contains a public policy hereby and under it grants time of at least six months to the parties to rethink the consent given by them for dissolution of their marriage, but a person,who did not wait for the time given for such rethinking, cannot be permitted to turn around and contend that he should be permitted to rethink after having had concluded the matter at his/her own volition. It was contended that the said decree was obtained by fraud, coercion and intimidation. There was no scope to prove the same in a writ petition. For that, it was obligatory on the part of the petitioner respondent to approach Lok Adalat”. “ For the reasons as above, we set aside the judgment and order under appeal and dismiss the writ petition." After this my ex-wife filed SLP in the Hon`ble Supreme court. and the case has been listed for more than 10 times and next date was fixed for 3rd October 2012 for final hearing. i. We are staying separately for the last more than10 years.(Since april 2002) ii. Both the children are with me ,as I am the sole guardian as directed by the court. They are with me since 4/2002 and never been to mother. produced in the court before division bench and they refused to go with the mother. After such a long legal battle of more than 10 years, the Hon`ble supreme court adjourned the matter for one year on the plea that a similar petition has been referred to a larger bench to decide whether the lok adalat has the jurisdiction to pass the decree of divorce and the said petition is pending since 2004 and has not been taken up by the full bench till date. Life has become very miserable as the children are worst sufferer as they are now in the age of 16 and 14, Kindly advice me in the matter , can a request be made to the Hon`ble Chief Justice of India for early constitution of the full bench in the larger interest/career of my children? PLEASE HELP ME. with regards

RK (adada)     29 November 2012

Dear Rajinder

I sympathize with you, its a sad story and you have already wasted10 years of life....

Your wife has taken what she wanted now what do you want through court? Do you want to remarry?

In all these years have you ever tried to talk to your wife WHAT DOES SHE WANT?

Yes you can make a request to Chief Justce of India but again it will be time consuming procedure.

Rajinder (Asstt.Executive Engineer)     29 November 2012

Dear RK 

     I think u haven`t gone through my message in detail,i haven`t moved to the court , but she filed the case against me for the mutual consent divorce granted by the Matrimonail court/lok Adalat on the joint request and even after attaining the finality,as an afterthought plan, just to blackmail, harass and causing hinderence in performing my obligation/responsinbilities in dicharging my duties in upbringing my minor children who are in my legal custody.Getting the benefit of women friendly laws and sympathy for being a women. who is nothing else than cruel lady. I don`t want to remarry even never think like that for that lady who made my life a hell.  she does not want to sit for negoatiationsand is hell bent upon to delay the matter in the courts on one pretext or the other.  Kindly advise me to how to get rid of my problem.

RS (associate)     25 July 2014


I got married in Dec 2012 and it was a Love Marriage. Before our Marriage All were going well.

Just before marriage my wife's family started to say lot of wrong things about my family and fight started with us . Initially I ignored. Because of this fight she never allowed me to do s*x. She always denied. But i was still in love and i managed anyway with hope of Good future. But she always fights on silly things.

Now i am frustrated with her act. And I want to give divorce but she saying she will file case of dowry against me and my family (we never asked for any dowry and in marriage also we did not take anything) and will take all maintenance and property as wife.

Since starting She is earning and giving 100% money to her family I took care of all her expenses and        I never asked for her money.

My Question’s are :

1.       Am I eligible for Annulment of marriage on the basis of No physical relation even after 1 year 8 months.

2.       Is she Eligible for any maintenance and Inherit property?

3.       Near future I have to go abroad. Will her false Case on me can affect me to go abroad.

4.       How can save my family from False Dowry or Harassment Case.

Please help.

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