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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     27 October 2010

Dalit Priests In Temples!!

Karm Pradhan Vishwa Kari Rakha, 

The days are gone when only Brahmins were appointed Priest of Temples. Just go thru the news article below,


Pariahs turn priests in temples

8 Jul 2007, 0323 hrs IST,ARUN KUMAR,TNN


PATNA: Bihar, which earned notoriety in the past because of the

oppression of the Dalits by the privileged castes, has been witnessing

a silent social revolution these days. Now, the "pariahs" are

performing "puja" as priests in some famous temples of the state.


Kishore Kunal, who became Bihar State Board of Religious Trusts

(BSBRT) administrator in May, 2006, said Chandeshwar Paswan was the

first Dalit priest appointed by him at Vishwanath Mahadev Mandir,

Hajipur. His appointment as priest was done on the day of Shivaratri,

when a large number of devotees throng this temple to offer their puja

to lord Shiva.


On January 14, the Makar Sankranti day this year, another Dalit,

Jamuna Das, was appointed as a priest in famous Shiva temple at Bihta,

said Kunal.


On June 30 this year, on the occasion of Sant Kabir Jayanti, yet

another Dalit from the Mushahar community, Janardan Manjhi, was

appointed as a priest at the Ram Janki temple at Paliganj in Patna



Kunal said he searched for Dalit Sanskrit scholars for their

appointment as priests. He felt these appointments would go a long way

in eliminating caste discrimination and bring social harmony in the

caste-ridden society of Bihar. He said at Begusarai and Bodh Gaya

temples, too, Dalit priests would be appointed soon.


He said this social revolution in not something unprecedented. The

state had witnessed in the past some kind of social revolt against

Brahminism under the banner of Buddhism. Even during the early days of

the post-independence era, Bihar's first CM Srikrishna Singh had

himself led the untouchable Dalits' entry into Shiva temple at

Baidyanath Dham (now in Jharkhand).


The movement, however, slowed down in the last decades of 20th

century. It was revived again by Kunal, who in his capacity as

secretary of the famous Hanuman Temple of Patna, appointed Phalhari

Suryvashi Das, a Dalit scholar, as a priest of the temple on June 13,

1993. According to Kunal, Das was brought here by him from Ravidas

Temple at Ayodhya. Since then, Das has been performing the religious

rituals in the Hanuman Temple. Sanjay Rajak, another Dalit, has been

engaged in distribution of "charnamrit" (holy nectar) at the temple.




 17 Replies

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     28 October 2010

Mahavir Mandir/Temple Patna has appointed Dalit as Priest and it's impotance can be understood by going thru the news item below,


Temple of hope for all in distress

- Mahavir Mandir Trust is second richest in North India after Vaisno Devi AMIT BHELARI

Patna, Aug. 12: The Mahavir temple in Patna, located near the Patna Railway Station, is one of the most visited temples in North India.

On an average, 10,000 devotees visit the temple everyday. On Saturdays and Tuesdays, when people from distant places come especially to worship Lord Hanuman, the number of worshippers at the temple easily crosses 20,000.

“It is a ‘manokamana’ mandir where the devotees’ come and pray to the lord. Their wishes often get fulfilled and this is the reason why the number devotees at the temple has only increased over the years,” said a priest at Hanuman Mandir.

Sudhanshu Shekhar, a devotee and a businessman from Delhi, said, “For the past five years, I have been visiting the temple regularly. Earlier, my business was not makingprofit. My friend asked me to visit the mahavir temple in Patna and soon after I started coming here, my business has started showing profit and has grown over the years.”

Former IPS officer and Bihar State Board of Religious Trusts chairman and secretary of Mahavir Mandir Trust Acharya Kishore Kunal said, “The Mahavir Mandir Trust is the second richest in North India after Vaishno Devi shrine trust. Many devotees donate here to show their dedication and devotion to Lord Hanuman”.

Acharya Kishore Kunal added, “The Mahavir Mandir trust organises medical camps, provides free medicines and subsidised treatment to a large number of poor and needy patients every year. All the cancer patients up to the age of 12 years are taken special care of by the temple trust and it spends more than Rs 2.5 crore per annum on philanthropic projects.”

“The present income of the temple is over Rs. 1 lakh per day, and the annual turnover is around Rs 4.15 crore. The total asset of the trust is almost Rs 100 crore,” said Nagendra Ojha, manager, Mahavir temple.

Its Naivedyam ladoos are making considerable profit for the trust. “It brings around Rs 1.2 crore every year,” said the manager. The Mahavir Mandir trust is presently running four hospitals in Patna. Among all, the Mahavir Cancer Sansthan is the most popular one. “It is one of the first trusts in North India where temple funds have been mostly utilized for philanthropic projects,” said Acharya Kishore.



No need to be the Priest in the temple but equal rights in the state so instead of going temples go to the government and insist for equal rights.

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     28 October 2010

Our Constitution fundamentally up helds equal rights to everyone. So, let us stop reservations in whatsoever field and let there be fair competition to get a set in educational institutions which is basic and primarily for advancement of a nation. Though reservation of seats was approved Constitutionally, the reservations for creamy layer of society is equally unconstitutional.

Reservations are required to bring in parity, but it should be on economic basis and not on the medieval concept of caste.

2 Like


In a N.Aditya V Travancore dewaswom NSC case  the Sc said that Brahmins do not have monopoly over performing puja in a temple and said that  a non Brahmin can be appointed as a pujari if he is properly trained well versed with rituals.


The right to freedom of religion allows Indian citizens to choose any religion that he / she wants to choose. This fundamental right was chossen after lot of thought regarding the process of person chossing his / her own religion.


Article 25. (1). Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate religion.


And I totally agree with Suchitra. S let us stop reservations in whatsoever field and let there be fair competition to get a set in educational institutions which is basic and primarily for advancement of a nation. 

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     28 October 2010

I will say, being a priest does not in anyway affect a nations development. Just think the disaster that causes to a nation when a person who does not have inherent talent and technical abilities is given a seat for medical, engineering, research wings that too by depriving the position by a deserving candidate. We do not want reservations which hampers the development of a nation and basically inhuman treatment for a deserving candidate.

I will not agree with whatever UN says. It is only a toy of super powers. It did not agree to accept what happened to Kashmir when thousands of Kashmiri pundits were killed as 'Genocide' while it was obvious for a common man that it was a perfect case of 'Genocide'.  

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     28 October 2010

Once a person has availed the facility of Reservation, his children should not be allowed to take advantage of reservations so that it reaches to everyone. Since only rich and educated class r availing the benefits and poor and illiterates fails to get/avail those benefits and also facing stiff competition with rich and educated one of his community.

Here rich and educated sections of these communities are not helping persons of their own communities.


Also no one is saying anybody to be a priest; it is his/her personal choice. This I have posted to show that trend is changing, and is welcome. People r accepting them in thses posts also and caste systems are fading away with new thinking and advancement.



"Once a person has availed the facility of Reservation, his children should not be allowed to take advantage of reservations so that it reaches to everyone. Since only rich and educated class r availing the benefits and poor and illiterates fails to get/avail those benefits and also facing stiff competition with rich and educated one of his community.

Here rich and educated sections of these communities are not helping persons of their own communities."- Ashutosh Jayaswal.


Ashutosh ji, this is DRF's agenda you hijacked. (I mean, I support you here).

I say that; The injustice happened for thousands years which cannot be cured in 50-100 years unfair reservation. The reservation policies are not implemented since everywhere people of these so called upper castes holding administrative posts. So, first, all the so called upper castes people should give collective resign from governance and administration and handover to the exploited people FOR ONLY ONE THOUSAND YEARS WITH 100% RESERVATION TO SC/ST ONLY (Brahma Foot Borns). After that it should be reviewed as to how much damage to them is recovered and decide whether to continue or not. Please start resigning now and submit your name here with name of the post you are resigning. Welcome.....


stop reservations in whatsoever field and let there be fair competition to get a set in educational institutions which is basic and primarily for advancement of a nation.
















Learn the constitution and than claim "Learned";


By learning "Ardhsatya" do not talk "Merits".

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     28 October 2010

Instead of giving fish prepared, teach them how to catch fish.

First ponder why after 63 yrs of Independence even 50% dalits have not benefitted.

And for each and every misery or problems we cannot escape by blaming just Upper castes. It shows narrow mindedness/thinking.

If one ask "Why they remained oppressed and why did not they revolted", then what will be the reply. Now also in spite of equal opportunity and status plus reservation, they have not come up with the mark, where the fault lies.

And from did one has got this Lord Brahma Head to Toe Theory, a complete absurdity, do not forget that we r in 21st Century.

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Yes ofcourse it is 21st Century and you are teaching us that; someone Hindu God had kept the sun in his mouth in his childhood etc. stories which were made to justify Brahmanism.  Now you are denying all this.  You please review the records of your statements in various threads here.  And no query you people are attending but only repeating baseless stories like "LAKEER KE FAKEER IN 21ST CENTURY".  And also claiming that the India is growing due to all your theories of Hinduism.


Now please you repeat all this Satyanarayan Katha and Ramcharitmanas and many are here to give clapping, Ek Kalawati thi aur Ek Ramchandra the.. jo High Court me aadhe jeet gaye the aur supreme court me lad rahe hain.. yes, Hindustaan me apne janm ko prove karne ke liye lad rahe hain court me Babar se.


Jai Shreeram !!!  Main maan gaya, ab to app khush ho jaao yaar............  

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