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Dalit Priests In Temples!!

Page no : 2

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     29 October 2010

The people of other communities have done and doing more good to Dalits than the people belong to Dalit community.


And also there is a popular locale saying that “Agar sara dhan bewkoofon ko de diya haye to kya hoshiyar bhookha mar jayega.” (If all the wealth be given to fools then will the clevers will die due to hunger)


And off course India is growing due to Hinduism in spite or against all odds.


Hinduism and its’ theories are not part of your cake, U just be happy with your “Buddhi”.

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Sir, I realise that I am unable to debate with you, as you are great knowledgeable of Hinduism.



"Knowledge is the barrier to knowing.  When knowledge is dropped, knowing flowers." - OSHO



And I also I consider that here you are in majority.  See, your name is in the list with those "message: thanked -- times" is programmed by the programmer of this site.

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