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CRUELTY as held by SC/HC in various judgements

Page no : 2

Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     28 December 2010

VERY GOOD AVNISH JI There should be equilibrium in law and justice and its should not be gender biased. Today women is claiming ,maintenance whether they have any real problem with their husband or not but they are claiming it as a matter of right and it becomes business now to earn easy money. Marry the rich person , do quarrel with them and then claim maintenance and alimony. When she is not ready to co-operate and take care of her husband and family then why she should get any maintenance/alimony. IT MUST BE STOPPED AND BE GIVEN ONLY IN DESERVING CASES WHERE HUSBAND IS GUILTY AND WIFE IS INNOCENT.IT WILL SAVE THE FAMILIES. It is a jungle raj and way to become rich on others money. If husband has duty to maintain her wife then wife has also duty to take care of him and give love and affection. So there should be no maintenance at all for wife's who are just trying to enrich them by using this ANDHA KANOON. Certain suggestions to preserve families and to save them:  No maintenance till guilty is proved and if husband is ready to reconcile and bear all the expenses of wife and children if she re-joins him.  No maintenance and alimony in the 2nd marriage if she has got it in the first divorce.  No maintenance if she can maintain her or her parents can maintain her and if husband is ready to take her back.  Compulsory mediation for avoiding long legal battle.  Law should be such that both husband and wife try to reconcile .  Law should not be favoring anyone to ensure that marriages are saved. Domestic violence complaint / fir should be filed within 24 hours of alleged incidence in place of today's situation in which wife and her parents try to black mail the husband and his family to agree to their terms and if they do not agree then they file case even after many years. DV Act must be applicable equally to men and women as today women is more aggressive and ill-treat, abuse, beat husbands and in-laws but the DV Act not applicable to them. It must cover wife's and their families to ensure equality and justice. Limits provided in the Act for filing mutual consent Divorce after 1 year separation, desertion of 2 year,3 years for IRBM etc. should be removed and it should be only 3 months so both can start their life’s afresh. When two persons can marry without any waiting period then there should be no waiting period for separation. The most important thing is to fix time limit for completion of hearing and disposal of case in any court say 6 months only. The cases must be tried on fast track basis. The infrastructure of the legislative system should be strenght4ened and cases must be disposed off within 6 months. For filing cases some minimum requirement of proofs etc. must be there and it should not be like this that for any small small issue anybody can go and file the case. Specially for family matters pre-litigation mediation must be compulsory and the behavior/flexibility of each party in resolving the issue must be recorded and should be base of their case in future (if any). Pre-neputal agreement should be made legal so husband and wife are aware before hand what they are going to get or loose if they part there ways and they should be allowed to take divorce on the terms mentioned in the agreement without going to court. MAXIMUM LIMIT OF MAINTENANCE AMOUNT BE FIXED IN THE ACT ITSELF TO STOP ITS MIS-USE THERE MUST BE STRICT PENAL PROVISIONS FOR PETITIONER AND ADVOCATES FOR FILING FALSE CASES.IT WILL REDUCE LARGE NUMBER OF FALSE CASES. AS PER STATATICS 95% DOWRY/ DOMESTIC VIOLANCE CASES ARE FALSE.ONCE JUDGES START PUNISHING THOSE INVOLVED IN SUCH CASES THERE WILL BE SEA CHANGE. Dowry law, Hindu Marriage law, Domestic violence Act etc. must be made equal for both husband and wife. Lacs of husband are suiciding because of these biased laws. FILE REPRESENTATION BEFORE COMMITTE OF PETITIONS OF RAJYA SABHA FOR CHANGE OF 498a TO STOP ITS MISUSE BEFORE 30.12.2010 If husband has a duty to maintain his wife then he must have some rights also and if wife has right of maintenance then she must have some duties also. The government of India who has enacted this type of illogical law has on its own part giving this type of maintenance/allowance etc. to citizens of India if they don’t have any earning/job etc. NO not at all. In NAREGA they are just giving guarantee of work for 100 days and wages for the days worked so this should also be applicable to husband and wife also. This blackmailing by wife's must be stopped forthwith.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 December 2010

@ Avnish,

You seems ot have bought the whole of Manupatra it seems so to me :-)

So do you have

1. SC and D HC Judgment on "constructive desertion under HMA as well as under S. 125 CrPC" ?

2. "Welfare classification" of women ?


Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     28 December 2010

is it below?

SC: There is no absolute right to maintenance

Appeal (civil) 20-21 of 1999




DATE OF JUDGMENT: 08/01/2002

R.P. Sethi & Y.K. Sabharwal



Alleging cruelty and desertion against the husband, the appellant-
wife approached the Matrimonial Court under Section 13 of the Hindu
Marriage Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") praying for
dissolution of her marriage with the respondent by a decree of
She also prayed for direction to the respondent to return her
given to him at the time of marriage. The Family Judge allowed the
petition and dissolved the marriage of the parties on the ground of
desertion by the husband. The appellant was also granted a decree of
Rs.12,000/- towards the price of the scooter, allegedly given at the
time of the marriage and payment of Rs.500/- per month as permanent
alimony. Both the husband and the wife preferred appeals against the
order of the Family Court as the wife was not satisfied with the
part of
the order refusing to grant a decree in her favour in respect of
properties claimed by her and the husband was aggrieved by the order
dissolution of the marriage by a decree of divorce. Both the appeals
were disposed of by the impugned order holding that the appellant-
herself was a defaulting party and neither the allegations of cruelty
nor of desertion were proved. The order passed under Section 27 of
Hindu Marriage Act and for permanent alimony was also set aside. The
grievance of the appellant-wife is that the High Court was not
in setting aside the findings of fact arrived at by the Family Court
that she had proved the existence of cruelty and desertion against
respondent. It is contended that as the appellant-wife was proved to
have been living separately, it was to be presumed that the
had deserted her.

The facts of the case giving rise to the filing of the
appeals are that marriage between the parties was solemnised on
6.5.1987. The appellant-wife lived with the respondent-husband till
June, 1987 and according to her the marriage between the parties was
never consummated. After 21st June, 1987 the parties started living
separately. The appellant alleged that her parents spent more than
Rs.80,000/- with respect to the ceremonies of the marriage and also
several articles in the form of ornaments, valuables, cash and kind
per demand of the respondent. The respondent and his family members
allegedly made further demands of Colour TV, Refrigerator and some
other ornaments besides hard cash of Rs.10,000/-. The father of the
appellant obliged the respondent by giving him Rs.10,000/- in the
week of June, 1987 but could not fulfil the other demands of his
parents. The respondent and his family members were alleged to have
started torturing the appellants on false pretexts. Aggrieved by the
attitude of the respondent and his family members, the appellant
to have filed a petition under Section 13 of the Act seeking
of marriage by a decree of divorce along with prayer for the return
the property and grant of permanent alimony. The respondent also
a petition seeking divorce and grant of other reliefs. However, on
14.5.1996 the respondent filed an application for withdrawal of his
matrimonial case which was allowed on 19.5.1996. The appellant had
alleged that the respondent was having illicit relations with a lady
residing in Gaya at Bihar with whom he was stated to have solemnised
marriage. The allegations made in the petition were denied by the
respondent and it was stated that in fact the appellant-wife was
advantage of her own wrongs.

On the basis of the pleadings of the parties, the following
were framed:

"1. Whether the defendant has treated the petitioner with
cruelty? If so, its effect?

2. Whether the petitioner is entitled to relief under
Sec.27 of the Hindu Marriage Act? If so, its effect?

3. Whether the defendant is entitled to any relief? If
so, its effect?

4. To what relief, parties are entitled?"

It may be noticed that no issue with regard to alleged desertion
was insisted to be framed. With respect to the issue of cruelty, the
Family Court concluded that no evidence had been led to prove the
allegations. The Court, however, held: "but it is proved that the
respondent had deserted the petitioner, hence the petitioner will
get or
is entitled to for a decree of divorce". On appreciation of evidence
led in the case, the Division Bench of the High Court held:
"We also do not find any evidence that the wife has been
treated with cruelty by the husband. We are also of the
view that there is no evidence that petitioner is deserted."

We have heard the learned counsel for the parties and
perused the

Treating the petitioner with cruelty is a ground for divorce
Section 13(1)(ia) of the Act. Cruelty has not been defined under the
Act but in relation to matrimonial matters it is contemplated as a
conduct of such type which endangers the living of the petitioner
the respondent. Cruelty consists of acts which are dangerous to
limb or health. Cruelty for the purpose of the Act means where one
spouse has so treated the other and manifested such feelings towards
or him as to have inflicted bodily injury, or to have caused
apprehension of bodily injury, suffering or to have injured health.
Cruelty may be physical or mental. Mental cruelty is the conduct of
other spouse which causes mental suffering or fear to the matrimonial
life of the other. "Cruelty", therefore, postulates a treatment of
petitioner with such cruelty as to cause a reasonable apprehension in
his or her mind that it would be harmful or injurious for the
to live with the other party. Cruelty, however, has to be
from the ordinary wear and tear of family life. It cannot be
decided on
the basis of the sensitivity of the petitioner and has to be
adjudged on
the basis of the course of conduct which would, in general, be
for a spouse to live with the other. In the instant case both the
court as well as the High Court have found on facts that the wife had
failed to prove the allegations of cruelty attributed to the
Concurrent findings of fact arrived at by the courts cannot be
by this Court in exercise of powers under Article 136 of the
Constitution of India. Otherwise also the averments made in the
petition and the evidence led in support thereof clearly shows that
allegations, even if held to have been proved, would only show the
sensitivity of the appellant with respect to the conduct of the
respondent which cannot be termed more than ordinary wear and tear of
the family life.

No decree of divorce could be granted on the ground of
in the absence of pleading and proof. Learned counsel for the
submitted that even in the absence of specific issue, the parties had
led evidence and there was sufficient material for the Family Court
return a verdict of desertion having been proved. In the light of
submissions made by the learned counsel, we have opted to examine
aspect of the matter despite the fact that there was no specific
framed or insisted to be framed.

"Desertion", for the purpose of seeking divorce under the
means the intentional permanent forsaking and abandonment of one
by the other without that other's consent and without reasonable
In other words it is a total repudiation of the obligations of
Desertion is not the withdrawal from a place but from a state of
Desertion, therefore, means withdrawing from the matrimonial
obligations, i.e., not permitting or allowing and facilitating the
cohabitation between the parties. The proof of desertion has to be
considered by taking into consideration the concept of marriage
which in
law legalises the s*xual relationship between man and woman in the
society for the perpetuation of race, permitting lawful indulgence in
passion to prevent licentiousness and for procreation of children.
Desertion is not a single act complete in itself, it is a continuous
course of conduct to be determined under the facts and circumstances
each case. After referring to host of authorities and the views of
various authors, this Court in Bipinchandra Jaisinghbhai Shah v.
Prabhavati [AIR 1957 SC 176] held that if a spouse abandons the
other in
a state of temporary passions, for example, anger or disgust without
intending permanently to cease cohabitation, it will not amount to
desertion. It further held:

"For the office of desertion, so far as the deserting spouse
is concerned, two essential conditions must be there, namely
(1) the factum of separation, and (2) the intention to bring
cohabitation permanently to an end (animus deserendi).
Similarly two elements are essential so far as the deserted
spouse is concerned: (1) the absence of consent, and (2)
absence of conduct giving reasonable cause to the spouse
leaving the matrimonial home to form the necessary intention
aforesaid. The petitioner for divorce bears the burden of
proving those elements in the two spouses respectively.
Here a different between the English law and the law as
enacted by the Bombay Legislature may be pointed out.
Whereas under the English law those essential conditions
must continue throughout the course of the three years
immediately preceding the institution of the suit for
divorce, under the Act, the period is four years without
specifying that it should immediately precede the
commencement of proceedings for divorce. Whether the
omission of the last clause has any practical result need
not detain us, as it does not call for decision in the
present case. Desertion is a matter of inference to be
drawn from the facts and circumstances of each case. The
inference may be drawn from certain facts which may not in
another case be capable of leading to the same inference;
that is to say, the facts have to be viewed as to the
purpose which is revealed by those acts or by conduct and
expression of intention, both anterior and subsequent to the
actual acts of separation. If, in fact, there has been a
separation, the essential question always is whether that
act could be attributable to an animus deserendi. The
offence of desertion commences when the fact of separation
and the animus deserendi co-exist. But it is not necessary
that they should commence at the same time. The de facto
separation may have commenced without the necessary animus
ort it may be that the separation and the animus deserendi
coincide in point of time; for example, when the separating
spouse abandons the marital home with the intention, express
or implied, of bringing cohabitation permanently to a close.
The law in England has prescribed a three years period and
the Bombay Act prescribed a period of four years as a
continuous period during which the two elements must
subsist. Hence, if a deserting spouse takes advantage of
the locus poenitentiae thus provided by law and decide to
come back to the deserted spouse by a bona fide offer of
resuming the matrimonial home with all the implications of
marital life, before the statutory period is out or even
after the lapse of that period, unless proceedings for
divorce have been commenced, desertion comes to an end and
if the deserted spouse unreasonably refuses to offer, the
latter may be in desertion and not the former. Hence it is
necessary that during all the period that there has been a
desertion, the deserted spouse must affirm the marriage and
be ready and willing to resume married life on such
conditions as may be reasonable. It is also well settled
that in proceedings for divorce the plaintiff must prove the
offence of desertion, like and other matrimonial offence,
beyond all reasonable doubt. Hence, though corroboration is
not required as an absolute rule of law the courts insist
upon corroborative evidence, unless its absence is accounted
for to the satisfaction of the court."

Following the decision in Bipinchandra's case (supra) this
again reiterated the legal position in Lachman Utamchand Kirpalani v.
Meena alias Mota [AIR 1964 SC 40] by holding that in its essence
desertion means the intentional permanent forsaking and abandonment
one spouse by the other without that other's consent, and without
reasonable cause. For the offence of desertion so far as deserting
spouse is concerned, two essential conditions must be there (1) the
factum of separation and (2) the intention to bring cohabitation
permanently to an end (animus deserendi). Similarly two elements are
essential so far as the deserted spouse is concerned: (1) the
absence of
consent, and (2) absence of conduct giving reasonable cause to the
spouse leaving the matrimonial home to form the necessary intention
aforesaid. For holding desertion proved the inference may be drawn
certain facts which may not in another case be capable of leading to
same inference; that is to say the facts have to be viewed as to the
purpose which is revealed by those acts or by conduct and expression
intention, both anterior and subsequent to the actual acts of

To prove desertion in matrimonial matter it is not always
necessary that one of the spouse should have left the company of the
other as desertion could be proved while living under the same roof.
Desertion cannot be equated with separate living by the parties to
marriage. Desertion may also be constructive which can be inferred
from the attending circumstances. It has always to be kept in mind
the question of desertion is a matter of inference to be drawn from
facts and circumstances of each case.

There is another aspect of the matter which disentitles the
appellant from seeking the relief of divorce on the ground of
in this case. As desertion in matrimonial cases means the
withdrawal of
one party from a state of things, i.e., a marital status of the
no party to the marriage can be permitted to allege desertion unless
or she admits that after the formal ceremonies of the marriage, the
parties had recognised and discharged the common obligation of the
married life which essentially requires the cohabitation between the
parties for the purpose of consummating the marriage. Cohabitation
the parties is an essential of a valid marriage as the object of the
marriage is to further the perpetuation of the race by permitting
indulgence in passions for procreation of children. In other words,
there can be no desertion without previous cohabitation by the
The basis for this theory is built upon the recognised position of
in matrimonial matters that no-one can desert who does not actively
wilfully bring to an end the existing state of cohabitation.
such a rule is subject to just exceptions which may be found in a
on the ground of mental or physical incapacity or other peculiar
circumstances of the case. However, the party seeking divorce on the
ground of desertion is required to show that he or she was not taking
the advantage of his or her own wrong.

In the instant case the appellant herself pleaded that there
not been cohabitation between the parties after the marriage. She
neither assigned any reason nor attributed the non-resumption of
cohabitation to the respondent. From the pleadings and evidence led
the case, it is apparent that the appellant did not permit the
respondent to have cohabitation for consummating the marriage. In
absence of cohabitation between the parties, a particular state of
matrimonial position was never permitted by the appellant to come
existence. In the present case, in the absence of cohabitation and
consummation of marriage, the appellant was disentitled to claim
on the ground of desertion.

No evidence was led by the appellant to show that she was
to leave the company of the respondent or that she was thrown away
the matrimonial home or that she was forced to live separately and
the respondent had intended animus deserendi. There is nothing on
record to hold that the respondent had ever declared to bring the
marriage to an end or refuses to have cohabitation with the
As a mater of fact the appellant is proved to have abandoned the
matrimonial home and declined to cohabit with the respondent thus
forbearing to perform the matrimonial obligation.

In any proceedings under the Act whether defended or not the
would decline to grant relief to the petitioner if it is found that
petitioner was taking advantage of his or her own wrong or disability
for the purposes of the reliefs contemplated under Section 23(1) of
Act. No party can be permitted to carve out the ground for
the family which is the basic unit of the society. The foundation of
the family rests on the institution of a legal and valid marriage.
Approach of the court should be to preserve the matrimonial home and
reluctant to dissolve the marriage on the asking of one of the

For upholding the judgment and decree of the Family Court,
Dinesh Kumar Garg, the learned counsel appearing for the appellant
submitted that as after the decree of divorce the appellant had
remarried with one Sudhakar Pandey and out of the second marriage a
child is also stated to have been born, it would be in the interest
justice and the parties that the marriage between them is dissolved
by a
decree of divorce. In support of his contention he has relied upon
judgments of this Court in Anita Sabharwal v. Anil Sabharwal [1997
SCC 490], Shashi Garg (Smt.) v. Arun Garg[1997 (7) SCC 565], Ashok
v. Rupa Bipin Zaveri [1997 (4) SCC 226] and Madhuri Mehta v. Meet
[1997 (11) SCC 81].
To appreciate such a submission some facts have to be
noticed and
the interests of public and society to be borne in mind. It appears
that the marriage between the parties was dissolved by a decree of
divorce vide the judgment and decree of the Family Court dated
The respondent-husband filed appeal against the judgment and decree
19.1.1997. As no stay was granted, the appellant solemnised the
marriage on 29.5.1997, admittedly, during the pendency of the appeal
before the High Court. There is no denial of the fact that right of
least one appeal is a recognised right under all systems of civilised
legal jurisprudence. If despite the pendency of the appeal, the
appellant chose to solemnise the second marriage, the adventure is
deemed to have been undertaken at her own risk and the ultimate
consequences arising of the judgment in the appeal pending in the
Court. No person can be permitted to flout the course of justice by
or her overt and covert acts. The facts of the cases relied upon by
learned counsel for the appellant are distinct having no proximity
the facts of the present case. In all the cases relied upon by the
appellant and referred to hereinabove, the marriage between the
was dissolved by a decree of divorce by mutual consent in terms of
application under Section 13B of the Act. This Court while allowing
applications filed under Section 13B took into consideration the
circumstances of each case and granted the relief on the basis of
compromise. Almost in all cases the other side was duly compensated
the grant of lumpsum amount and permanent provision regarding

This Court in Ms.Jorden Diengdeh v. S.S. Chopra [AIR 1985 SC
suggested for a complete reform of law of marriage and to make a
uniform law applicable to all people irrespective of religion or
The Court observed:

"It appears to be necessary to introduce irretrievable
breakdown of marriage and mutual consent as grounds of
divorce in all cases. .... There is no point or purpose to
be served by the continuance of a marriage which has so
completely and signally broken down. We suggest that the
time has come for the intervention of legislature in these
matters to provide for a uniform code of marriage and
divorce and to provide by law for a way out of the unhappy
situation in which couples like the present have found

Marriage between the parties cannot be dissolved only on the
averments made by one of the parties that as the marriage between
has broken down, no useful purpose would be served to keep it alive.
The legislature, in its wisdom, despite observation of this Court has
not thought it proper to provide for dissolution of the marriage on
averments. There may be cases where, on facts, it is found that as
marriage has become dead on account of contributory acts of
and omission of the parties, no useful purpose would be served by
keeping such marriage alive. The sanctity of marriage cannot be
left at
the whims of one of the annoying spouses. This Court in V. Bhagat v.
Mrs.D.Bhagat [AIR 1994 SC 710] held that irretrievable breakdown of
marriage is not a ground by itself to dissolve it.

As already held, the appellant herself is trying to take
of her own wrong and in the circumstances of the case, the marriage
between the parties cannot be held to have become dead for invoking
jurisdiction of this Court under Article 142 of the Constitution for
dissolving the marriage.

At this stage we would like to observe that the period of
limitation prescribed for filing the appeal under Section 28(4) is
apparently inadequate which facilitates the frustration of the
by the unscrupulous litigant spouses. In a vast country like ours,
powers under the Act are generally exercisable by the District Court
the first appeal has to be filed in the High Court. The distance,
geographical conditions, the financial position of the parties and
time required for filing a regular appeal, if kept in mind, would
certainly show that the period of 30 days prescribed for filing the
appeal is insufficient and inadequate. In the absence of appeal, the
other party can solemnise the marriage and attempt to frustrate the
appeal right of the other side as appears to have been done in the
instant case. We are of the opinion that a minimum period of 90 days
may be prescribed for filing the appeal against any judgment and
under the Act and any marriage solemnised during the aforesaid
period be
deemed to be void. Appropriate legislation is required to be made in
this regard. We direct the Registry that the copy of this judgment
be forwarded to the Ministry of Law & Justice for such action as it
deem fit to take in this behalf.

There is no merit in these appeals which are dismissed with


January 8, 2002

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     29 December 2010

@ Ms. Avnish Kaur 

Is abv. re. for me ? 


b chandrakant (qa coor)     29 December 2010

Avnishji very very thanks for all this help. i also need such type of help. i m feeling very helpless without a proper guide. how can i contact you and discuss my case . i feel you can definitely help me in my case. please help me to get out of this dirty drama. i want to live my life happily with my parents and family.


one tortured husband

Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     30 December 2010


Section 10 of The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, provides for 7 grounds of dissolution of marriage of Christians. One of them is adultery coupled with cruelty.


None of these Acts, however, define as to what cruelty is.

The idea, the meaning and the concept of cruelty changes from time to time, varies from place to place and differs from individual to individual. It is not the same for persons situated in different economic conditions and status.


Perhaps this is the reason why the Legislature has not, in any of the Acts, defined as to what cruelty is and has left it to the best judgement of the Judiciary to decide as to what amounts to cruelty to a particular person in a particular set of circumstances.

Various Judges have, in numerous judgements, defined as to what amounts to cruelty, but once again those definitions are not general but are related to the facts of those particular cases.


The question of cruelty is to be judged on the totality of the circumstances. In order to term a conduct as cruel it should be so grave and weighty that staying together becomes impossible. A conduct to be cruel must be more serious than the ordinary wear and tear of marriage.


You will be surprised to know that out of 100 cases of divorces, in 95 cases, the ground for divorce is cruelty and in the majority of them the cruel conduct complained of is physical violence. However, cases of mental cruelty are also not unknown to our Courts and, at times, complaints are made of a spouse afflicting cruelty upon another, without physical violence, just by his or her conduct of saying something or refraining from doing something.


By cruelty we normally think a conduct, a behaviour, an act of physical violence. The

normal idea of cruelty in the common man's mind is assaulting somebody. However cruelty as a ground for matrimonial relief is just not physical violence. Cruelty as a ground for divorce need not be physical only. It may be mental. And believe me, mental cruelty is of a worse kind than that of physical violence.


A wife's conduct of :


- humiliating her husband in the presence of family members and friends,

- taunting her husband on his physical incapabilities,

- denying him access to physical relationship,

- neglect,

- coldness and insult,

- deliberately wearing clothes which her husband dislikes,

- purposely cooking food which her husband is not fond of,

- visiting her parent's family off and on against her husband's wishes,

- undergoing an abortion despite her husband asking her not to do so,

- threatening to commit suicide,

- refusing to do household work,

- keeping husband outside the door of house,

- complaining to husband's employer,

- disobedience,


all these are not acts of physical violence but yet it has an effect on the husband's mind and due to this, the husband's health suffers and therefore these acts can be termed as cruel.

james (pro)     06 February 2011


Can any one share judgments for below CRUELTY as held by SC/HC in various judgments

1.      Declining to go to matrimonial home even when her father-in-law had died ...

2.      Not attending funeral ceremony of father-in-law ...

3.      Not discharging marital obligations ...
Not understanding responsibilities of a house wife ... Not understanding ways of world 


Many thanks for your help.

Ambika (NA)     06 February 2011

Bhaskar ji, please check about refusing to prepare the food ....this particular point was( I had read in one of the SC judgements, I have to hunt for it to post it) not taken as cruelty in one of the judgements from SC. Again all these facts which you have so clearly mentioned would be seen within a certain context...and do not stand absolute in themselves

Not undertanding responsibilities of a housewife is a very very vague term so is way of the world as we do not live in a static world...

Disobedience also is very vague and can be equal relationships there is no subordination and domination, the use of the word disobedience conveys that one orders about and the other one obeys...gone are the days when housework was considered or managing the house was considered as good for nothing work and the status a housewife was ascribed to was subordinate to husband, household work is now considered as one of the productive but unpaid work and there is now strong advocacy to include the value of the household work in GDP. 

A woman wants to wear salwar Kameez and husband wants her to wear Sari...I am not sure whether wearing salwar kamiz would be considered as crulty by the honorable court...

I know we would eventually differ in our views, but stil I consider it worth the while to express mine and read some of you.


Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     07 February 2011

Ambika Ji,

I do agree that this is a small issue may be husband has denied for something so wife denied preparing food etc. but here we are talking about legality of these charges wheter they fall under the category of cruelty or not.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     07 February 2011

please check about refusing to prepare the food ....this particular point was( I had read in one of the SC judgements, I have to hunt for it to post it) not taken as cruelty in one of the judgements from SC



Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     07 February 2011




Atish (Proprietor)     01 March 2011

Dear Sir,

My case is exactly based on this case which came in the Pune Mirror last year. Sir could you please guide me as to where I could obtain the case law from and what section was it under. I am fighting under the Shia act.



Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     01 March 2011

its a persistent refusal to cook food without any genuine justification to be taken as cruelty.

courts are not fools to take a wife fallen ill not cooikng food as cruelty.

pujols20 (Techie)     02 March 2011

Can someone please post the judgements for these grounds below.

- humiliating her husband in the presence of family members and friends,
- coldness and insult,
- visiting her parent's family off and on against her husband's wishes,
- refusing to do household work,

Thanks !

Atish (Proprietor)     02 March 2011

I thank all who have answered me on the above issue.



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