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Sharma3690 (Owner)     23 December 2010

Can I go for second Marriage without divorce


I am residing in Pune. I made my marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir then made registered in Ahmedabad Court same day on 4 November 2003. we hide this marriage from everybody & didnt stay together from then. Now I want to take divorce but the person is not even singining the divorce paper but also changing his address. He doesn't want to give me divorce now. So if he doesnt sign Divorce Paper or we are not able to locate his address then how much time it will take to get Divorce. During my education also I have never written married on all official paper, Its crime? Can University snatch my Degree if anybody make complain? Pls advice.


 5 Replies

Gajender Singh (ca)     23 December 2010

apply for divorce on desertion grounds. you have to follow up for speedy disposal.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     23 December 2010

The fact of your marriage is recorded in the court as well as before God, as such your secrecy  matter little. First get a divorce and go for second mariage or else you will land up in Jail.

ashish lal (Advocacy)     23 December 2010

Mr. Assumi is right.

Gopal Singh ( Advocate)     23 December 2010

You are Registered married couple.Do not take riskm in haste.Follow the advice of Shri N.K.Assumi.

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     23 December 2010



If you did not mentioned your correct marital status then its not a crime and your degree is safe.


Regarding divorce you cannot marry again unless you do not divorce your first husband legally. To get divorce you have different grounds like desertion, creulty, incompatibility. There are provisions in law where you can take help from the judge to nab this person and then as the judge to send your case for mediation centre. In the mediation centre you can talk to this person and settle it out.





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