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Krishnanendu (Employee)     11 September 2024

Can i get punished for extra marital affair under 498a


I was having an Extra Marital Affair for couple of months. My wife got to know about it and she has all the proofs of it. My wife has filed some complaint and I got a call from CAW cell. In my first meeting they only asked me Why she left my home and when I asked what is the complaint about, CAW stated its EMA but there might be some violence. I never had any kind of violence with my wife. Which means that officer was not sure if any other complaint filed, they called me again for counselling session. My concern is

  1. If there is no violence then why CAW is called me and looking into it
  2. If i admit there was EMA, will I get punished direclty under 498a without anything else
  3. If wife later states that EMA resulted in mental cruelty, then how can I defend that there was no cruelty from my end, mental is difficult to prove so.

Thanks in advance

 2 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     11 September 2024

The extra marital affairs is no more a ciome under criminal laws in India.

If she has given a complaint for any other acts of cruelty and if the police is stubborn on their own ideology in this regard, you may better take a lawyer with you to handle them or file an anticipatory bail and challenge the same in court of law

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