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manav (Senior Manager)     15 April 2012

Action on fake harassment and dowry case


I am married close to 2 yrs and I have 11 months kid. Actually my wife(my past collegue) proposed me and I suggested to talk to parents and then to proceed. Though parents were not agreeing, we convinced them. later, I came to know her family background(illegal liquor business from home,..) and decided not to proceed futher. But she first talked to me rudely and then started Crying and pleading me and my mother. Even her brothers also convinced me saying that you will not have any problem after the marriage. Then convinced saying that there will no relation between her and her parents after marriage. So I convinced my family and went for marriage. Actually their parents wanted her salary, that is why they were not agreeing.

They took 3 lakhs loan with wife's name(my wife is paying that loan now also) for marriage expenditures. After the marriage , my wife started behaving with me and my parents like(talking harshly). I told her many times to change her way of talking. Moreover she complaints on my parents that they are talking rudely. At starting I believed her, later I realised as I personally know her way of talking. She goes to her house for almost every festival and If I say no, there will big fight. As she was not changing her behavior, I called and her parents (I expected moral support and thought they will guide her). But they did not discuss or talk to me any thing, straight forward started scolding me and my family and took her to their home. He said that I married her for her salary and I am torturing his daughter. . He aslo said that he will file the police case and will show what he is. I am actually working as Senior Manager and my take home is more than 4 times of her salary. Infact she pays her parents loan every month and paid their hospital expenditures few times

After this episode, I dropped many mails and SMS that our doors always open if she realises. She is proposing for separate familiy and also said that I have to convince her parents to bring her. I know about her parents how they behave when I go to their house, and I can not go separate as I am only the son and my parents has health problems . I am completely lost becauase of these problems. I do not want to separate my son from my wife. I know mother's love. But their house is bull sh*t environment like all illegal alcohal business,... That is why I want to get my son in case if my wife is not interested to move further with me.

I came to know that they are planning to file a fake cases(harassment, dowry) against me and my family. Please suggest me how to come out from this cases and is there any way that I can get my son ifI take the divorce. 

Thanks in Advance.


 5 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     15 April 2012

Till 4th year of the child, courts will not give father's custody. Mother only is safest custody of the child.Moreover, if your wife's parents are running illegal business, why do you kept quite ? You would have give information to the police. You have a responsibility as a citizen of India and you have good position of the job, you would have give complaint to the police of their illegal business. 

1 Like

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     15 April 2012

I differ, though the law says that till 5 years the custody should normally be with mother. Welfare of the child is the sole ground on which child custody is decided.


Shonee Kapoor
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manav (Senior Manager)     16 April 2012

RamaChary Sir, Thank you for the suggestion. Actually he (my wife's father) has local MLA support and his own brother is also small political leader. More over police and excise people come to their home to take the bribe. I am witness for this. So I do not have any hopes that any one will take action against him.

manav (Senior Manager)     16 April 2012

Thanks Shonee Kapoor sir. 

Is there any way to bring my kid by showing  their illegal business with evidence?

If they file fake dowry case, can I come out from that with her bank statement (as she was paying her parents loan, which is taken before marriage)?

How to prove that it is fake harassment case?

Thanks in Advance.




manav (Senior Manager)     16 April 2012

Can anyone answer my queries?

1) Is there any way to bring my kid by showing their illegal business with evidence?

2) If they file fake dowry case, can I come out from that with her bank statement (as she was paying her parents loan, which is taken before marriage )? How could I have allowed her to pay the loan amount , If I demand for dowry?

3) How to prove that it is fake harassment case(She was always shouting on us, we were most of the times quite as we can not debate with her)?


Thanks in Advance.




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