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Nandha (NIL)     06 May 2012

Wife left home: what to do now??

Dear Ld. Lawyers,

Last night there was a bitter fight and that went to manhandling each other. She suddenly throwed tantrums like banging the wardorbe, throwing away things etc. when i tried to stop her, there was some manhandling.. suddently she started shoutiing like a mad. Me, my mom, my grandmother came out with my one year old kid.

I called her father that his daughter's erratic behaviour and requested if he could come. After some minutes, i got a call for her elder brother and he threatened over phone that he will kill our family etc., As the matter was going into a different angle, I called my maternal uncle to come home.

Meanwhile, she started calling her other relatives and told them that i had tried to strangulate her, which is absolutely false. My mother came running, when my wife started banging the wardrobe. After that my mother witnessed everything.

After sometime, I went out to bring my uncle who told me to come to the bus stop. Meanwhile, my wife's father, her uncle, her elder brother, her younger brother and one of their family friend, came to my home and started shouting at my lonely mother and threated that they would kill me etc., My mother told them to wait till me and my uncle's arrival to find out what the problem was and settle the matter. But they did not wait and took away my wife with them.\


when i checked our bedroom, i found the jewels and other articles are missing in our wardrobe. My mother told me that my wife has been taking things from the wardrobe.

I'm afraid that my wife might say that she left the jewels behind and are missing. Should I file a police complaint that the jewels are taken by my wife during my absence while she was leaving?? \please advise 

 14 Replies

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     06 May 2012

It is very strange that even in that ruckus they did not forget to take away their jewels. Did they think jewels are more important than husband or husband will anyway be lost why lose jewels too? Anyways.  If they have no proof that they have given jewels, you need not worry about losing them.  Do you think the video recording (or any photos) during marriage would have covered their giving Jewels to their daughter?

Self service (None)     06 May 2012

First thing go to sr police offcier and write a letter for her consuling, explain all including threat by her brother.

I am not amazed if she had taken her jewelles, such thing are all pre planned. And no body starts threatening if they have no prior plan. Just complaint to police about all incidences and ready with evidences.

Nandha (NIL)     06 May 2012

Dear all,

thanks for your advise & comments.

This morning I went to the police station and informed about what had happened last night. The police officer called my father-in-law on her mobile and asked him why they had taken his daughter without my permission. He had readymade answer that I tried to strangulate her.

THe police officer asked my wife and father-in-law to come to the police station tomorrow at 9.00 AM.

Can anyone suggest me what should I say and what i should not.  In october 2010, once i slapped her. Based on that she and her family always threatened me that even if i raise voice against my wife, they threatned me with dire consequences. Will that incident have merit for her now? please advise.


ArpitBhatia (None)     06 May 2012

Dear Si,

Is 498a applicable for marriages more than 13 year old?

Vishwa (translator)     06 May 2012

Dear Nandha

You are in a bad situation and I am sure all the members of this forum are supporting you.

The only useful advice I can give is to remain calm and act in a coherent manner keeing in mind your and your family's long term welfare.

Do not get impressed by all the tantrums and shouting etc, whose aim is simply to destablise you nd keep you in a pliant mood.

Bon courage


1 Like

Self service (None)     06 May 2012

Have you taken copy of complaint? If not go to office of Sr police officer (CSP /DCP) and take copy of complaint with stamp then only go to local police station.

Don't go alone and do not accept any thing that you ever beaten her, always keep repeating that you want to take her back. And foucs on father in law /brother in law theats.

keep evidence of your complaint that will help you lot in future.

Self service (None)     06 May 2012

Don't loose courage, take copy of complaint and keep focus on Father in law /brother in law and ask police to take action against thm do not say nay thing worng about wife.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     06 May 2012

In police station, tell about their threats, tell that she has taken away the valuables n ask for mediation. Decisions taken in hot blood frove to be fatal later on. Give cool-off time, discuss in mediation whether its possible to pull along?


in the police station , don't be surprised if u have more of allegations coming against u. nonetheless, keep ur cool and if interested in pulling on the relationship, request the police officer that u are willing to get her back. don't accept any complaints of violence, torture etc .

Nandha (NIL)     07 May 2012

dear ld. lawyers.

Thanks for ur suggestions.

I have a voice recording which i recorded 7 months ago when my wife talked to me rudely and my brother-in-law threatened me & my family.

Shall I produce it in the police station? Everyone says police will always support those bribe them and by virture they support the girls side. 

Some ld. lawyers advised that I should tell the police that i would like to take her back. How can I say that when they have already destroyed our peace and our respect in the society? 

Can I tell the station head officer that i would not continue to live with her? or should i say that i take her back and later on apply for divorce? please suggest!

I'm going to the police station along with my uncle. Will post the outcome.





manish (cdsdfasd sdf)     08 May 2012


did u gv police complaint abt she having taken all her jwellery? she can file 498a even after 25 years of marriage.. start gatgering proofs of her familes threats by audio/video recording.. where are ur kids? what hapend at police station? dont gv anything in writing in which you accept that you did anything in anger to her

Nandha (NIL)     09 May 2012

Thanks everyone.

My wife & in-laws did not turn up to the police station. 

Now, what shall I do? 

Shall I send a divorce notice to her? we have decided not to take her back as she has crossed her limits and we are afraid that she will do the same and again we would be in trouble. 

My one  year old kid is with her now. How to get my child custody? 

Please advise.





Nandha (NIL)     13 May 2012

@ld. lawyers,

would be grateful if someone advises me on the above.

I have got an assignment abroad for 3 months. Will this affect my case if I travel.

please advise,


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