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Dr. L.N. Lion (CMD)     23 April 2010

What is SOFTEX? When to file? Format of SOFTEX ?

Dear All Professionals,


What is SOFTEX? When to file? Format of SOFTEX ?


 10 Replies

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     24 April 2010

Only for STPI registered units its mandatory to file Softex forms to the concerned STPI on monthly basis.

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     24 April 2010

kindly refer the circular no. 9 october 25, 2001 , export of goods of services - certification of SOFTEX FORM and reply of your answer is :-

Checklist for the Invoice enclosed with Softex forms in respect to


Buyers name and address should be cross verified with export order
Check for Invoice No. & Date.
Check for Importer’s and Exporter’s Code Number.
Check for Data Comm. Services (STPI / VSNL / DOT / Internet / Others).
Check for the Export Destination
Check for Export / Agreement / Contract / Purchase Order No. & Date.
Check for Currency and Amount
Check for Banker’s Name and Address
Check for Authorised Dealer’s Code No

Check for the Authorised Signature


CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     24 April 2010

Attachment 1

Attached File : 1 1 softex 1.doc downloaded: 3351 times
1 Like

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     24 April 2010

Attachment 2

Attached File : 6 6 softex 2.doc downloaded: 1577 times

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     24 April 2010

Attachment 3

Attached File : 3 3 softex 3.doc downloaded: 1111 times

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     24 April 2010

Attachment 4

Attached File : 11 11 softex 4.doc downloaded: 1348 times

Dr. L.N. Lion (CMD)     24 April 2010

Thanks Mr. Learner.

Niru (Student)     24 April 2010

thankyou sir 4 files..i was looking 4 such type of files on SOFTEX

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     07 May 2010

u r most welcome !!

Rajendra Nath (owner)     09 October 2012

Dear Sir,

I have a small business in software services fied (CAD computer aided design works). There are many such small companies in India. I have not registered with STPI because mine is small company. I have the IEC number. As per my knowledge, according to the guidelines I need not to submit any softex forms for any invoices less than $25,000. Now and then I get small works and I get paid in Euros. It will never be more than specified limit. I have contacted many people and banks but could not get the proper procedure, including from bank manager.

So my questions are :

1.  "Who exactly needs to submit the softex forms".

2. Is it compulsory to register with STPI for small turnovers.

3. Are there any other formalities for a private limited company.

Your advise can be a great help for me.

Thanks in advance.

S.R. Nath

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