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R C Nigam (xxxxxxxxx)     23 May 2011


Is it not criminal waste of Public Money that JUSTICE Librahan worked (!) overnight for full 17 years and consumed about Rs 10 Corores for preparing a report on the demolition of a structure that was constructed in the name of an INVADER-BABER. It is worth noting that the report has been rejected wholehog by the CBI. It will b pertinent to point out that out of many findings, one was that Shri A B Bajpai was also held responsible for the demolition.

Yet another example of such criminal waste was the JUSTICE Mukherji Commission, which enquired the so called genocide of the minorities (SECULAR NAME OF MUSLIMS), which was appointed by a joker of Indian politics for political ends.

For bringing to books, the culprits, who had usurped Rs 64 corores in BOFORS Scandal, our CBI wasted only abot 300 corores with a result equal to BIG ZERO, although many of us claim that the Italian Qwatrokee was in collusion with the FIRST FAMILY of the country, has become crystal clear.

Can the nation afford such wastage?


 4 Replies

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     23 May 2011

I do agree with you.

1 Like

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     23 May 2011

Nigam sir, i am also agree with your views!

1 Like

zimmerzapper (student)     23 May 2011

had they not been wasted, do you think that money would have been focused for a good cause. no, right?

G.Nagarajeshwar Rao (Advocate)     24 May 2011


I too agree! The Governament shall held responsible for mis use of single pie, i.e. public money. I agree with SriGopal Soni. 

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