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lifeisbeautiful (searching)     19 February 2015

Total cost in delhi for mcd

Dear Experts,

My husband and me are living seperately since november 2013. Since then he kept saying he wants to end the marraige by mutual consent but till now he has not filed for divorce. I too want to get over with this marraige asap as its wwasting our lives and i want to get settled again in life. My question is, since he is not filing for divorce, can i file for MCD? Earlier he agreed he will do whtever will be possible  at his end financially in MCD. but recently he is denying and refusing to pay a single rupee in mutual divorce case. I do not want to contest divorce as i know it can take upto 3-4 years or more. Also i want to know, is there any difference in alimony or maintenance if i file vs if he files?

Also , please help me by suggesting a good lawyer and fees in case of mutual consent divorce. 

Thank you



 7 Replies

vivek malhotra (Advocate)     19 February 2015

You may contact me for any assistance in this regard. Whole procedure cannot be explained in this short forum.


Vivek Malhotra

Advocate , Delhi (9716670701)

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     19 February 2015

read your PM

if you think that you can afford then you may contact personally or over the phone

1 Like

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     19 February 2015

normally MCD is agreed by both the parties and jointly file petition for mutual consent and in your case only one party is agreed and if he want the same but not alimony 

first you decide if you dont want any thing then discuss with him and prepare all the points and file it 

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Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     20 February 2015

1.  If you want quick divorce, and if your husband agrees, then mutual consent divorce case can be filed in the court.  It will be taken six months (roughtly seven to eight months fromthe date of petition).  The urgency is being displayed by you, naturally your husband won't want to part with any amount and you would be getting divorce decree without any alimony/compensation/settlement.

2.  If you are in a position to bargain about any compensation with the MCD, try for it otherwise go for MCD bereft of any money.

3.  MCD advocate charges are minimal comparing to the other litigation and varies from advocate to advocate.

4.  Contested case may take three to four years at trial stage  But if you are unemployed during this case you may be entitled to interim maintenance.  The litigation expenses are more coupled with trauma of attending the courts.

If you have any further query, you can contact me on 9868332610 between 5 to 6 PM.

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lifeisbeautiful (searching)     23 February 2015

Thank you all!! yes its true he is neither ready to give any money and now also asking me to return all the jewellery i got back from my marital house after one year of seperation saying i dont have ay right on the jewellery gifted to me on marriage. i knew he would not want to give a penny and thats why i got he jewellery home to atleast aid me during my case for which i am planning to sell off one of the jewellery to support my fees for my case as am not working and parents are retired and have no saving and living on pension. 

1. can i sell the gifted jewellery or can he claim the gifted jewellery back. 

2. Do i need to logdge an FIR before filing for MCD. i left my marital house on 19th november 2013. can i file a back dated FIR? is it neccessary?


Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     23 February 2015

who advice you to file fir to go for MCD 

but MCD is filed if both parties agree for mutual separation through divorce mutually and also you can ask for alimony and subject to his agreeing for the same 

the jewellery is yours and you have every right to sell or gift to any one and if you have left any more in his house you can ask through court 

why we insist you for MCD is there is no mental harassment from both sides and for few times you both has to visit court and even you can demand lawyers fees from your husband and about alimoney you can also ask him thorugh court 


nw a dys, there is no much diff. in expenses of anything btwn 2 metro cities.
b assured u pay more or less same amnt ur colleague may pay in other metro cities say mumbai.
hw much truth is involved tht only both involved party can knw .
frm old thread, it seems ur hubby is not of materialistic mind he ought to hv. to match.

FIR fr which crime ?
eager to knw. if u seem fit, pl.

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