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Swathi Vanka   24 June 2020

suggestion regarding negligence

Respected Sir/Madam
I am a 24yr old woman n was married 10yrs ago.I have a kid aged 7.I have beign facing physical,verbal and mental abuse from my husband and his mother since 9yrs.
My husband runs a school n
I caught him red handed 4 months .We had a huge fight regarding that and he refused to mend his ways.I was broken and attempted suicide.Since then I'm staying with my Paternal Grandmom.My dad is so orthodox n is not supporting me.He is forcing m
e to stay with my husband where on the other hand my husband isn't atleast answering my calls n not allowing me to meet my kid.
I was also in plans of persuing MBA in U.K. but with all these problems it getting delayed.Sir ,please suggest me what to do.

 1 Replies

N. Sivaprakash, Chennai 984099 (Advocate)     24 June 2020

You can file a Petition for Divorce and also file a Petition for visiting rights of your kid. Also file Petition for Maintenance. You can also file a case under Domestic Violence seeking direction to your husband to provide house for your stay.

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