Sayed Maqsood Ahmed 28 November 2023
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 28 November 2023
Who signed the conveyance deed as at that time no committee was formed?
Sayed Maqsood Ahmed 28 November 2023
Respected sir
Conveyance deed was initially signed by ex MC chairman and secretary. But whole MC team resigned since membets lost faith and trust in them.
Thereafter , dy registrar appointed a 3 members adhoc committee until new election is held. My question is can adhoc committee membets execute the Correction Deed because there were minor mistakes in rhe executed Conveyance deed on 11th April 23
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 29 November 2023
The adhoc committee is appointed only for taking care of the routine affairs.
The adhoc coimmittee is not empowered to take any vital decision in respect of the society affairs.
an ad hoc committee has no legal authority over the organization. Instead, it serves as a group of individuals who come together to discuss and solve problems within the organization.
An ad hoc committee is a temporary committee established to resolve a specific issue.
Therefore it would not be legally valid if the adhoc committee is allowed to sign the rectification deed pertaining to the conveyance deed.