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Amit Kumar Misra   23 December 2021

Reports of who/ governments available on internet as evidence in indian courts


I wish to know if reports of world health organization/health department of different countries available on internet can act as an evidence in Indian Courts?thanks

 2 Replies

Kawmini Liyanage   24 December 2021


In order to answer your query, the Evidence Ordinance of 1872 deals with permissible evidence.  Section 3 specifically interprets the evidence. Section 45 opens up the ability to use foreign law, experts opinion and such regarding the case material where the argument for using foreign reports can be made. And Section 74 recognizes "Public Documents" as permissible evidence in court. given that the WHO reports are public documents which also come under expert's opinion can be applied to create admissibility of the document. Further Indian Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2000 Section 65A,B deals with electronic evidence and it establishes electronic records to be considered as documentary evidence. In Anvaarv. P K Basheer the court established admissibility of electronic evidence. Furthermore, admissibility can be established with the support of Information Technology Act 2000.


Kawmini Liyanage. 

Amit Kumar Misra   24 December 2021

Thanks a lot Sir/Madam.we are soon going to file a. Case against an MNC and the answer provided by you will be very helpful in saving lives of Indian employees serving in MNCs.wishing you best wishes in your professional life

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