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Arpula kranthi   14 December 2016

Regarding gramakantam land issue

Hellow sir, Good Morning, Sir, I am from telangana state, near hyderabad city Sir, In Our Village There is a gramakantam Land Backside of my house around 50.sq.yards. Some People are Trying to Construct a New temple, If They Construct a Temple the shadow falls on my house. Acc to Puranas If Temple Shadow falls on house it will occur a bad aspect to be happen in family, already there is a existing temple of POCHAMA TEMPLE within a distance of 40sq.yards. As per the G.O 35 there is a 3 conditions to construct a temple. GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA PR & RD Department – The Andhra Pradesh Gram Panchayat Land Development (Lay out and Building) Rules, 2002 – Adaptation to the State of Telangana with amendments – Orders - issued. (a)Places of worship for religious purposes shall be given subject to the condition that at least 100 meters distance is maintained in the vicinity of any other such existing place of public worship; (b)Land ownership shall have a clear title and be undisputed ; (c)Statutory norms regarding the noise may be adhered to.” sir please give me a Solution , No one has been taken the action aganist this issue, can i file a case in court , can u give me the suggestions for this issue, Infront of my house there is a already a temple, In our community or colony there is a 60 families , In our community there is a 3temples in our colony , all of 3 temples are beside my house with in a distance of 20sq.yards. & one other temple is going to built , wats the solution give me a soution sir plssss , respond for these mail Say me the rules and regulations of gramakantam land, if there is possibility to built a temple in the gramakantam land as per panchayt raj act 1994. if there is a possibilty to built a temple in gramakantam land, who should give the permission this construcitng temple and how can i stop the temple without constructing, give me the solution...... thanking you sir,

 4 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     14 December 2016

File a petition for injunction order in the local nearest civil courts.

An injunction is an order issued by a court that forces the defendant––a person, corporation or government entity––to do something or stop doing something, depending on what the plaintiff is requesting. In relatively rare cases, the court may issue a mandatory injunction, compelling a person, company, or governmental unit to take affirmative action in carrying out a specified action. 


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Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 December 2016

"gramakantam Land" is probably Gram Panchayat land.

Object under proper acknowledgment that has to grant sanction.

Certainly you can approach court of law.


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Arpula kranthi   17 December 2016

Thank you sir for giving a reply, & sure we will approcah the court, we are ready to appeal in court for injuction order. 

                                                      thank you...,

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 December 2016

You are welcome.

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