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RAJESH JAIN   19 May 2022

Problem in Partition of House

मैंं मकान मे अपना हिस्सा कैसे ले सकता हूँ ?
मेरी माता जी मेरे साथ ही रहती थी जिस कारण से उन्होंने अपना एक हिस्सा मेरे बेटे के नाम भी कर दिया था । हम चार भाई हैं और माता जी ने वसीयत मे पांच हिस्से जिसमे एक मेरा तथा एक मेरे बेटे का हैं जो की माता जी उसे मेरी सेवा के बदले दिया । लेकिन माता जी के मरने के तेरह साल बाद भी मकान के हिस्से बाट नहीं हो रहे । ऐसे मे अन्य भाई भी हिस्से करने से मना कर देते हैं । और मकान बेचने भी नहीं दे रहे ।
कृपया कोई ऐसा आसान तरीका बताये जिससे मैं अपने दो हिस्से लेकर कही और निवास कर सकूं ।

 3 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     19 May 2022

You can go for partition suit in the court of law. A partition deed enables the property to be divided among the co-owners of the property such that each co-owner is allotted his share thereby making him the rightful owner of the share allotted to him. Partition deed ensures the legal division of the property which is jointly held by several people

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RAJESH JAIN   19 May 2022

but sir it's very time taking process. Is any other type of application which give quick response.

Shweta   22 May 2022

The present suit will be governed by Section 44 of the Transfer of property Act. In this case, all the brothers are co-owners of the property and all of them own the right to enjoy the property equally. However according to Section 44 of the Act, when two or more persons own a property jointly, each co-owner may have equal or unequal shares, but each co-owner is entitled to common enjoyment of the property until the property is partitioned and their respective halves are separately occupied. 

Hence, in this case you can file a partition suit and enjoy your share in the property. However, the provision also provides that in a case where the undivided property is sold without the consent of the co-owner only that much of land can be sold which constitutes as the share of the transferor’s property. 

According to the case of Lalita James v. Ajit Kumar AIR 1991 MP 15, the provision guarantees the transferee the right to joint ownership or common enjoyment of the property, but not exclusive possession, until division is enforced.

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