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Vikrant Goel (fkhjk)     16 September 2011

No means of 498-a

Men in india are bound by law, just bcoz they are living in this country. Just by favouring women and doing injustice with husband family, law has created hatness in the heart of lacs of people. People in India doesn't regard Judiciary, as every one knows Indian Judiciary is a "place of Injustice" where criminals are left out and innocent are put behind the bar. By declaring husband & his family criminal, Judiciary is not doing any effort to protect women, in fact spoiling houses and childrens future. No real men in india facing 498-A has regard for Judiciary, they are forced to regard. Innocent women will never file 498-A, only guilty/corrupted women files 498-A who is shameless, feelingless, honourless, cheap thinking from cheap class family to hide the facts and her family sin. How can a men live with such women. How can he spend his life with such women.


 4 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     16 September 2011

498A is legal terriorism, which is using by women in India only to grab the money

Manav Kalia (Arguing my own cases..)     16 September 2011

I agree with the author. I am myself going thru hma, dv, caw complaint likely to turn into 498a. But on the other hand the laws were made to address a need of society in india that was cruel to women. I think the laws are good for women, but they need drastic change and amendment to actually benefit women. Lot of debate on this, dont know when the changes will take place.. So I do empathize with all the harassed husbands and their families....

kvss.prabhakar rao (Advocate )     17 September 2011

Yes , I agree with rajeev sir, Most of cases in Sec 498-A  falsecity is generating.  AND  Implicating innocent relatives of husband is common paralene  in  today. The trend  should be changed by enactment of Sec 498-A amending the same. It should be coognizable abd warrent case. Rathar than arresting all relatives of husband including husband atonce after lodge the compliant by wife.. Because it effect society at large.  Urgent need to amend the same.


Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     20 September 2011

The Committee of Rajya Sabha has given a report. It doesn't give hope to those allegedly harassed by false cases. Moreover the Secretary of Women's Council has produced statistics to show that only 10% of the cases are false and not most cases as Advocate Prabhakar Rao says. The report is attached

Attached File : 84227 210858 6 58366 207947 38 ipc 498a report tabled in rajya sabha.pdf downloaded: 93 times

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