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Munirathnam (Scientist)     14 December 2012

Need help of law proffessionals on cross in 498a

Dear All,


Wife never stated in 498A case till now (evidence cross stage) that Accused used to demand salary of wife and the amount that was present in the Bank accounts of the wife.


The above circumstance show that Accused had no intension to get money and never demanded any money from wife, hence no such incident happened and no such demans are reported by wife and law witnesses till now.


Question: Can Accused side ask wife to admit that she had money in her bank accounts and also wife was earning during matrimonila life with accused.


Accused intension: In the arguments Accused could tell to the court saying Accused never had intension to get money from wife hence Accused never made any demands to wife. 


If the above approach is not good, please let me know what could be the correct approach to explain to the court that Accused had no intension to get money from wife.

 3 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     21 December 2012

Yes, this can be done.






Shonee Kapoor

3 Like

Munirathnam (Scientist)     24 December 2012

Dear Ashis Sir,


Its not the matter of money. But in the area where my case is running the lawyers are very bad.... they want the case to continue for long years, to have customer, and also their skills are very old. 


Hence I am personally getting some information to assist him. If I consider that he is master and will do everyhting, then I may losse just because of inefficient lawyer.


Initially my lawyer never asked me about any facts at all but prepared Cross Examination Quations that made me very surprise on below grounds:


  1. Wife took mony from husband but lawyer do not want to listen that from husabnd.
  2. Wife never said any 498A case harassment/cruelty allegations in CrPC-125 case although wife allegedly living seperatly from husband on the ground of harassment/cruelty, here lawyer is not interested to point out the incidents in CrPC-125 those clealry show that 498A case incidents not possible to happen on the ground og alibi.


Hence this effort.

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