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wifebetrayed (service)     24 December 2010

need help friends

) What is minmum seperation required for mutal divorce. Is there a way out, if yes under what circurmstance

2) If there is no ground of divorce, can divorce granted on wimp and fancy of one partner.

3) If husband does not want divorce and wife does not want to return back. Can she seek maintainence

4) Can legally lie dectector be conducted to prove girl was not haressed and her family is lying

5) IF husband does not agree for divorce, how much time it would take for conested divorce.

if couple have s*x 3-5 times in month, can this be consider impotency.

What medical test husband need to take to prove there is no issue with him. What remedy he has aganist his wife.


 3 Replies

Mohit Attri (lawyer)     25 December 2010

very ryt prabhakar sir

wifebetrayed (service)     25 December 2010

I want to take test to ensure i can file defamaton case and mental crulety case aganist my in law. They are sperading false allegation against my husband.  need help in understaning what test are required by court. any suggestion on good hosptial in delhi

I also, want know whether phone conversation i have  taked have legal vaildity

girl refusal to take lie test wud agnainst her similar guy refusal to take impotency test

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