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Arun Singh   01 May 2016

Need advice for married life

I am a software professional in Delhi,happily married so far and will complete 5 years of marriage in July.My wife has been very good so far, works in a govt bank and we have a son 4 years old.My in laws have been ok so far behavior wise.

However,recently I have started seeing a change in the behavior of my father in law.He wants to make every decision related to my son and I and my parents at times do not agree with him.We have developed a lot of friction between us and tend to go into argument on petty issues.I had a fight with my wife as well on these issues.My father in law is more bent towards his elder son in law as he does a lot of flattery.Due to all this,I have developed a sense of fear in my mind that my father in law in future can file a case against me.I am not able to concentrate in my work or sleep properly.Can you please give me some advice so that I can stay happy in my life.

What precautions can i take so that I am safe?


 10 Replies

JustAdvisor (IT)     01 May 2016

have a heart to heart talk with your father in law. i don't think this is a legal query and hope it doesn't become one.

Advocate Ram Prasad (Chief Lawyer)     01 May 2016

Good dat ur having a wrking mrg. As it grows old some wear n tear takes place. Ur d captain of ur family n hav right to decide for ur child. Make dis clear to ur FIL. Keep ur wife on ur side will keep ur fil away. Maintain good communication with ur wife to ward of others interferance in ur family. Good luck. Just adviser has also rightly advised u--Adv Ram Prasad Cell: +91-91777 22930.

Advocate Ram Prasad (Chief Lawyer)     01 May 2016

Good dat ur having a wrking mrg. As it grows old some wear n tear takes place. Ur d captain of ur family n hav right to decide for ur child. Make dis clear to ur FIL. Keep ur wife on ur side will keep ur fil away. Maintain good communication with ur wife to ward of others interferance in ur family. Good luck. Just adviser has also rightly advised u--Adv Ram Prasad Cell: +91-91777 22930.

Living in fear of cases is worse than actually facing court cases. Better to stand up for yourself and send a clear message to FIL, if he files cases let him.

Dana Kayoni (Expert Humanitarian and Lawyer)     02 May 2016

In-laws have started interfering shows that they know your weakness, now nothing much can be done.  You simply need to take all their nakhras and orders in your stride.  


Happiness is a state of mind, so is being married.


Be ready to take stern decisions if you want to continue being happy and married.


Well Arun, as per my assessment it is not a legal issue and more so a minor family problem , which can be sorted out with a sense of proper understanding by both the families. Sometimes it so happens that elders of either side start poking their nose in the marital lives of their children beyond their boundaries. Could be superiority complex and that could be erased with a little bit of patience. U have not clearly mentioned the reaction of UR wife.She has to take the initiative of curtailing her father's involvement in UR child.

Vicky (Engg)     08 May 2016

Injunction order on FIL to stop interfering in your married life

Born Fighter (xxx)     08 May 2016

Ask your father in law to just back off. You have to be stern and openly tell him that you and ur wife will take shots regarding decisions related to ur son. Give imprtance to ur wife and this will help u keep the FIL away ! Thoda politics use karo Sir. This is a minor issue that only needs to be dealt smartly.

Mukesh sharma (job )     13 May 2016

Hi Arun your matter not legally as per you quarry coz its not solve in court its only need to talk 

you need to talk with your wife first tell hi all kind of thing and after you talk with your father in law and try to convince him its your family and plz dont interfare in family decision

hope they understand all and stop these thing 

coz its all effect on your family so plz try to solve this in family not make it legal issue 


A walk alone (-)     14 May 2016

Instead of fighting with your wife. Give her importance and love. Show her by your attitude that being a father you can take better decision of your son then your father in law. Try to convince her by love and affection. In front of her spend time with your son play with him. Help your son in study. Then slowly slowly try your fil away from your family matters. Marriage completely depend upon husband wife no one can interfere if your bond is strong. Precautions - in case you think that things will not work. Just record and keep some evidence that can show your FIL interference like call recording or audio recording etc. Keep some photos also in which your child and wife are smiling with you or your family. Stop frightened of case. FIL cant file and in case he file nothing he will get only his daughter life will spoil.

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