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Anil Agrawal (Retired)     17 January 2010

Nation of protests

 We have mastered the art of expressing displeasure and lodging protests. There is a slight problem. They throw them out of the window and then we indulge in this pastime again.

India has conveyed its 'absolute displeasure and concern' to Australia over the unabated attacks on Indians there and asked the government to 'get its act together' to bring the perpetrators of the assaults to book.


 7 Replies


Australians scare to only one nation that is INDONESIA.

Australians are very big arrogants in the world like Americans.

They follow animals attitude and law.

If Indians use that law they lisen to you other wise they are the same what they are and they do what are doing again again to Indians in Australia.

Indian Ministers they do nothing about this problem.



Speaking soft with Australians and Americans will not work out. Even Indian Embassies / Counculates in forgeign coutries are useless. When Indians go for help idiots don't help. Our embassy/ counsulate staff prasie that country where they are working. They teach us Indian law there. Oh. Prime Minister, External Affairs Minister are nothing but idols. What safety measures they are taking for Indian students in foregin countries?   

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     17 January 2010

what is the problem at australia ? what is there grivenceses against indians? previously never hard such type of news from australia. ofcourse from usa such types of news came.

A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     17 January 2010

for long we the Indians have been hearing that in Australia the Indians are meted with inhuman behaviours but we are not aware of the grievance of the Kangaroos against us. please illumine us if possible.



A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     17 January 2010

is there any connection between Racism and rascality?


Where racism is there rascals exists there.

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