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Kaushik   06 September 2016

Modified image

Dear Experts,

I have created an image by modfying an image which was originally published over a century ago by altering the original image, colouring it differently as well as flipping and rotating it in a different direction. I would like to know whether I would be infringing on the copyright of the creator of the original image if I were to use the modified image commercially.

Thanks and Regards,


 1 Replies

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     24 September 2016

There i s acontroversu regarding these type of works. But if i ts for Fair use you can recreate into an altogether different  thing without infringing the original copy Right  creator. Have you used th einternet to create this modified Art image? Then youj are protectede  as under th e fpollowing. cxreative commons to increase cultural creativity. in the commons. Please read on:

Our goal at Creative Commons is to increase cultural creativity in “the commons” — the body of work freely available to the public for legal use, sharing, repurposing, and remixing. We realize there’s an inherent conflict between innovative digital culture and archaic copyright laws. Our licenses help bridge that conflict so that the Internet can reach its full potential.

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