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Rahul (Engineer)     29 October 2010

Mediation after 498A

Case details

1. Couple used to live in foreign country straight after marriage for about 2 year and relation started getting sour due incompatibility.

2. Out of one small querrell; couple were advised to come back to India for solution and no solution reached. And wife has decided to stay in india. Pl note couple has come togather in India and week after husband left back as the job etc going on. 

3. After reaching back to foreign country; husband has realised that wife has withdran all of the 2 year saving through joint ac via internet transection. Counsulted several lawyers but they have a opinion that nothing can be done agianst her.

4. After couple of round of talks which evetually fails to give any results; they have filed 498A and other five IPCs against husband and 12 other family members.

5. It went on with so much of drama and pain that is unimaginable.

6. After one year of case filing Judge has asked for the mediation meeting.



1. From the source I came to know that she want to come back and after going through so much of pain and agony to all my family members and myself; I am not wishing to continue further with her. What should be my strategy during the mediation as I know i can not straight away say.

2. They might ask for huge chunk of money and around 12 lakh she has already taken which was jointly earned and now I am not financially capable of paying such a big money. But salaries are good enough to ask for good emoluments.

3. As per point 2; Is it comes under legal desertation; they may take a ground that it was me who has left her from foreign and not she who has left the house willingly.


Many concern is how to make a strategy that is legally favourable to me as well as I convey the message that patching not possible as the relation is broke up beyond reconcilation

Even if I think of reconcilation what kind of things to be considered as I have heard second time 498A attracts punishment for sure. My opponents are legally very well knowledgable and so far succeed in making so many traps.


Please help me to get the correct information



 1 Replies

Rahul (Engineer)     01 November 2010

Please add ur suggestions


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