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Marriage amendment bill 2010

Page no : 3

...Irene... (Bean Counter)     21 May 2012


Point to ponder:-

"Never judge a man by the opinion his wife has of him."- Rod's Law

Indrajit (Engineer)     21 May 2012

Just for information:-

The Marriage laws (Amendment) bill 2010 was presented in Rajya Sabha today. But it is deferred on the insistence of the Opposition.


The Opposition says that the Bill should not be brought in a hurry. May be it will be brought in next parliament session.

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     21 May 2012

Generic rejecting my large illustration with “I have to comment somehow” to his reply is not required in a haste. Use some application of mind while rejecting multi platform views. Reason being either you are still un-married and or if you are married then you ought to have been liberal at the time of your marriage hence over-looked great Indian match-making obsession when a girl or boy attains marriageable age and how matches are still done/ made in pan-India is my summing up to your confused ideology and final rejoinder to Do you think women gather all the information relating to husband's properties before marrying?”+ “If a woman does LLB or if she has Advocates in family and relatives, she may stoop down to that level.”


Have you known what impact that makes on the person who reads it?  Just throwing away someone cheaply, and saying without any care and caution, "use some application of mind" means, you have not known the decorum to participate in discussions yet.  If you suggest someone, "use some application of mind", you are saying to me, "you are not applying your mind".   The tendency to write things that normal people cannot understand shows that attitude in you.  No doubt you are a scholar, but you are not equal to people, because you think too much about yourself.  That may be true also, you may be one amongst the top 1 crore Indians, creamy layer making lots of money through your profession. But humility is also a virtue. No one can be equal to others without being humble, and to strive to be equal to be others one requires not to be too fanciful in their writings and flowery about their knowledge and talk or write things that common man understands.


Regarding other stuff you have written, these are matters of perceptions you cannot say "I am right", these are not matters of evidences that can be rebutted, because there are no statistics with us as to whose perception is what with regard to properties of husband.  Neither you have seen 50 crore women in life, nor I have seen 50 crore women in my life to arrive at what women are upto actually in general.  In traditional rural setups it is not women who know about properties of men, their parents and relatives.  I trust women in general, I see here there are many people in this forum who hate women based on personal experiences they faced in their lives with one or two women (may be their divorced wives who harrassed them with 498a and all). 





Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     21 May 2012

“If a woman does LLB or if she has Advocates in family and relatives, she may stoop down to that level.”


I have seen that 90 percent of the women who file 498A cases and other criminal cases against husbands do so, under the advise of Advocates not on their own.  They fail to read the consequences of filing a criminal case against husband and accept what Advocates tell them to do and spoil their lives fighting cases against husband.  As the case proceeds, the Advocates (from both sides) succeed in dividing the couple further and further creating so many doubts in the minds of couple about the intentions of their spouses.  And when a woman gets to know too much about law, she acquires the qualities of a predator.  Laws are used by people more to offend others than to defend themselves from others.  Women are no exception.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 May 2012

@ Chandrashekar

That is the beauty in Law. I stand by what I said. Law is not a common man’s cup of tea be it before Bench or in Public debates. A professional advocate can shred best of the arguments – winning / loosing a case is immaterial to me at this stage.

See how a common man took my rebuttals. Had you been my fellow member at Bar before a live case you would have shredded my arguments but then that is what argumentative Indian are all about for quality of decent bread and butter in private and public life hrough professional practice thus I stand by my debates hereJ  


The point in discussion is about property knowledge by a women.

“If a woman does LLB or if she has Advocates in family and relatives, she may stoop down to that level.”

See your last argument above where you totally deviated from main topic as well as it is nobody’s case here why a women files 498a !!!!

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     21 May 2012

tabjobs.  Well explained.  Endorse your views.  100 pounds to my knowledge is 45 kgs of gold. I think that is typing error.


Endorsing your views also done without application of mind?  Finally, he came telling me I am right, despite your posting supporting your view along with a photo.  I made fun.  Some people thought I go particular against you seeing that.  Fun, in my opinion is when we feel somebody is close enough to take what we say easily, we make taking them into confidence. To avoid misunderstanding we use smiley also.  That is taken seriously?  I don't know.


@Vijay Raj Mahajan.  Having read your posts, I change my earlier stand :  "Prenuptial agreement is invalid in view of Section 28 of Indian Contract Act, 1872."


I do agree with your view that a prenuptial agreement can be made and also that it may that some terms of agreement may be invalid in the eyes of law, but not entire agreement itself cannot be said to be invalid in the eyes of law.  If drafted carefully it may serve the intended purpose.


This is also done without application of mind?  I remain flexible if I appear a point is right I endorse and when I feel I need to change my opinion, I do so.  I don't think one who don't apply his mind carry these qualities.


And I tell you somewhere in this thread or in some other thread, I asked some member what is the name of your mother.  I knew that would surely offend him.  But there is a point in offending him like that because he should know he is offended because he has respect for his mother.  If we are to make adultery legal, tomorrow if anybody says anything against our mother, we should not take offense to it.  We get offended saying you are making "personal" remarks, when somebody points out at our mother because our mind is conditioned with our traditions and customs.  Mother means we don't see as an adulterous woman, we carry high regard for that word, so we take offense to it.  If mother is adulterous woman, anybody say anything about her, we don't say you made personal comments and get hurt.  Those who support adultery being decriminalized and endorse adultery as private affair between man and woman, should also prepare people to not get offended if someone talks ill of their mothers in future.


That is the point I wanted to drive home. 


If he told me I am offended I would have apoligized too.  But he said it is personal comment but did not say to me he is offended by that. That is the only place where I exceeded my limit.  I  am aware of that, but the discussion did not turnout the way I expected.

Later (A professional )     21 May 2012

Originally posted by :chandrasekhar.7203@

Have you known what impact that makes on the person who reads it?  Just throwing away someone cheaply, and saying without any care and caution, "use some application of mind" means, you have not known the decorum to participate in discussions yet.  If you suggest someone, "use some application of mind", you are saying to me, "you are not applying your mind".   The tendency to write things that normal people cannot understand shows that attitude in you.  No doubt you are a scholar, but you are not equal to people, because you think too much about yourself.  That may be true also, you may be one amongst the top 1 crore Indians, creamy layer making lots of money through your profession. But humility is also a virtue. No one can be equal to others without being humble, and to strive to be equal to be others one requires not to be too fanciful in their writings and flowery about their knowledge and talk or write things that common man understands.


Regarding other stuff you have written, these are matters of perceptions you cannot say "I am right", these are not matters of evidences that can be rebutted, because there are no statistics with us as to whose perception is what with regard to properties of husband.  Neither you have seen 50 crore women in life, nor I have seen 50 crore women in my life to arrive at what women are upto actually in general.  In traditional rural setups it is not women who know about properties of men, their parents and relatives.  I trust women in general, I see here there are many people in this forum who hate women based on personal experiences they faced in their lives with one or two women (may be their divorced wives who harrassed them with 498a and all). 


Further to the above corrigendum


1. Have you known what impact that makes on the person who reads it?  Just throwing away someone cheaply, and saying without any care and caution, "use some application of mind" means, you have not known the decorum to participate in discussions yet.

TAKE:Being low-pitched you I am an ironist of the peris who force rent strike.

2.  No doubt you are a scholar, but you are not equal to people, because you think too much about yourself.  That may be true also, you may be one amongst the top 1 crore Indians, creamy layer making lots of money through your profession. But humility is also a virtue. No one can be equal to others without being humble, and to strive to be equal to be others one requires not to be too fanciful in their writings and flowery about their knowledge and talk or write things that common man understands.

TAKE:The soma variola think tank,think-tank getup brah your cuppa tea sir!

Ta Ra Rum Pum Pum.....

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     21 May 2012

“If a woman does LLB or if she has Advocates in family and relatives, she may stoop down to that level.”


I have seen that 90 percent of the women who file 498A cases and other criminal cases against husbands do so, under the advise of Advocates not on their own.  They fail to read the consequences of filing a criminal case against husband and accept what Advocates tell them to do and spoil their lives fighting cases against husband.  As the case proceeds, the Advocates (from both sides) succeed in dividing the couple further and further creating so many doubts in the minds of couple about the intentions of their spouses.  And when a woman gets to know too much about law, she acquires the qualities of a predator.  Laws are used by people more to offend others than to defend themselves from others.  Women are no exception.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 May 2012

@ Chandrasekhar

Have you ever seen me asking repliers to endorse only my views ! Have you heard from any members that I have written a mail to them to endorse only my views!

Hence may I ask once again why you stressing on endorsing my views with few other of your endorsements as justification on endorsing and deviating from main topic of this thread i.e. knowledge of property by rural and or urbane women for which you wrote two quotes which I rebutted?

For not understanding my English here I have no comments / rosy explanation to give but pity that common people come to English legal forums expecting to understand Courts English and yet claim not to understand courts English and yet want Panchayat (i.e. social) solution which is not my cup of tea to give to them as pleader of the Court.
I am not a ld. Judge here nor have any ambition to climb up but just like any other pleader. It is duty of ld. Judge to give common solutions to common man in common man’s language in the wisdom speak to a interview before TOI, Mumbai ed. on the eve of his retirement by the then retired CJ of Mumbai HC Mr. Justice Karanzia way back in the late 70’s I take liberty to recall remembering the great ld. CJ…….  

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     21 May 2012

See your last argument above where you totally deviated from main topic as well as it is nobody’s case here why a women files 498.  


Main topic means what? You should explain. Main topic as far as I know is men doubting that women making them paupers if marriage amendment bill is passed and marrying having an eye on their properties.  So I say, “If a woman does LLB or if she has Advocates in family and relatives, she may stoop down to that level.” 


You should only take the essence of it, not the form. I just meant to say if a woman has knowledge of law it spoils her with that.  You should not take specific allegations are made against women who did LLB or against women who have Advocates in family and relatives, though that is also true to some extent or great extent, I don't know we should not comment on things that are too vague.  So when I say, when a woman acquires the knowledge of law, she gets smart enough to think of ways to get the property of husband.  Otherwise, a woman in general who don't have much knowledge about law, does not think of it, unless she is guided by someone.


The same view I reiterated when I said : And when a woman gets to know too much about law, she acquires the qualities of a predator.  Laws are used by people more to offend others than to defend themselves from others.  Women are no exception.


But I also mean to say, about 80% of women may not have the knowledge of this law at all in the first place.  Even if have knowledge, may not have confidence, tendency, design, ability to exploit husband this way.  I place trust on them.  Some women would be there, exceptionally few who may carry all the bad virtues that forum members have complained.  So when I say, "women are no exception" do not say, one side he says, women are all good, other side he says, women are no exception from exploiting...what is this?  This is not any case that we are fighting against each other that we take care of each word.  When it comes to dealing with cases, even judges of High court and Supreme Court shall fear taking up my cases to write a judgment against my arguments.  This is confidence not over confidence.  That is why one of my case is pending in HC for over 8 months, because HC judge does not know how to give a judgment in that.  He just kept it aside without any reason without admitting it again when it was once rejected on a simple ground of non-attendance of counsel on petitioner's behalf. And the counsel representing State does not know how to rebut my arguments.  That case he lost without knowing how to rebut, at Tribunal itself. 


So I mean to say, I need not take care of each and every word that I write when I am participating in forums like this as if I am writing some plaint or writ petition where extreme care it taken by me.


And it is nobody's case why a woman files 498A, not related to this discussion?  Why do you think so? Women is exploitative.  She wants to marry a man with a design to usurp all his properties.  The same design is hurting men in this forum.  The same design will motivate women to file 498A too to pressurize men so much that they come for settlement quickly giving off all their properties in the name of women after marriage laws amendment bill is passed.  Why it is nobody's case why a woman files 498a?  It is every man's case why a woman files 498a and it is very much related to this topic.


Rebuttal welcome.












Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     21 May 2012

tajobs,please follow his advice and start writng simple english.

kitne log bol chuke hai aapko.kyu nahi samajhte?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 May 2012



Originally posted by :Roshni B..


tajobs,please follow his advice and start writng simple english.

kitne log bol chuke hai aapko.kyu nahi samajhte?


@ Generic

I simply cannot. I didnot took my training in that way and I cannot go 'social time pass way' either after investing years into IT! I offer myself to be criticized forever on this point as a social truce - end of innings - are we savvy now


Ranee....... (NA)     21 May 2012

In my view, law should be made compulsory for all girls(;)) like elimentary education..

few of my friends including me discussed few days back to start an NGO to make the women aware of their rights that Indian Judiciary has given to them.

I shall ask help for my reknowned friend Tajobsindia how to proceed and make guide for us to work efficiently.hope he will not refuse me as a good friend in LCI.:)

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Ranee....... (NA)     21 May 2012

please read as guideline..

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     21 May 2012

u r right ranee.


tajobs BHAIYAA is the right person to guide.he will surely help we women become aware of our rights.


infact the 2 of us shud start an NGO to help women fight for matrimonial rights,just property division after their divorce,and so on.i vouch to make tajobs its chairperson.since he is also a delhite like me,commuting to this NGO wont be a problem,because we now have metro rail 


the inauguration of this NGO will be done by Saurabh V.

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