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Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     18 May 2016

Market has non-standard legal size paper. is it objected?

Legal size is well defined. But, photocopy shops use different sizes of paper, The paper is 1 to 2 cm short & not much. But, this changes the margins & affects the paper size too in the petition document. Will it be objected by Registry / Court? Is it a major objection that will reject the petition & all the hard work?


 6 Replies

surendra prakash agrawal (advocate)     18 May 2016

A4 size paper is a international approved size but in practice Hon`ble Supreme Court/ High Courts/ Tribunals etc they demand on Legal size only. In district courts A4 size is being accepted based on practice and awareness.

P. Venu (Advocate)     19 May 2016

Legal size paper is used in Courts as a practice than any mandatory requirement. And this practice is more an invention of the Lawyers.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     19 May 2016

Thanks to all the Hon'ble Members. Sh. TGK. Reddi has given an outright green flag.


The saying goes: 'There is no anodyne to toothache'. One is relatively familiar with everything, but when one has the toothache, one goes mad at it & it is the community that settles him down.


Legal size paper has been prescribed. In 2012, the prescripttttions were: Left Margin: 1.5"; Right Margin: 1", Top & Bottom Margin: 1"; Line Spacing: 2.0 (No specific font was prescribed)

Now the prescripttttions have been redefined: Left Margin: 1.75"; Left Margin for Annexure: 4 cm; Right Margin: 1"; Top & Bottom Margin: 1"; Font: Times New Roma (14 size); Line Spacing: 1.5


I completed my document & am forced to redo it to fit it in this prescripttion & something struck me on this issue:


I find that some shops use 2 / 3 sizes of papers. One is correct Legal size. But others are 1 to 2 cm short of actual Legal size. The later 2 types gives 0.2 to 0.5" less margins. I hope Registry / Court will understand practical difficulties & not reject petition just on this count, despite sheets, Annex being clearly visible after binding.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     20 May 2016

Thank You very much for the good words of encouragement. The world runs only on such 'I help you, you help me' terms.


Yet Sir, it is all full of hassles. As it is, it is force of circumstances that makes one go through loses, pains & knock Court. Newness to the new platform adds some problems. Some people habitually bite, cause chaos; fish in troubled waters & profit of it!  These are more easy ways to raise up after all. After all that, old timers, professionals & THE STAFF too use terminologies, use strange procedures/yardsticks etc & it turns lot of panic to the person who tries to be as ideal & takes 'Please all' approach.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     21 May 2016

Though there is a specification about the margins to form a legal size document/plaint to be filed before court, hardly anyone notices the the minor differences that would cause an impact.  

Even the different size of legal sized paper is glaringly observed, nobody bothers about it in the present hurry bury world, so dont waste  your precious time concentrating on such petty issues. 

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     24 June 2016



Thank You v.v. much Sir.  I cherish the good words. They have definitely enthused me. I shall try my best to live up to the expectation & keep bettering every time. Prayer that God gives me enough.



Sh. P. Suresh

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