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AnilaJayaprakash (Lawyer)     06 August 2009

Loss of Property Document

A real owner of a property lost all the original document of the land and house,what is the procudure for getting a valid duplicate of all the doucments.

 9 Replies

A V Vishal (Advocate)     06 August 2009

Dear Friend,

In the first place a Complaint has to be lodged with the Police stating the facts of the case, Obtain an FIR, publish notice in a local newspaper the loss of the document, approach the local registration office and apply for a certified copy of the document. The FIR copy will prove loss of the original document. Further no other document can be executed in lieu of the lost document.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     07 August 2009

In Addition to the above,  obtain a Certificate from Police that inspite of their efforts the document is not traced out !

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     07 August 2009

 complaint with police.

Get certified copy of the same from the Office of The Registrar

Deekshitulu.V.S.R (B.Sc, B.L)     07 August 2009

I agree with my friends in toto. But what is the use. The owner cannot have a Bank loan. Hence better get another registration done after following the above procedure, and mentioning the same is a fresh deed. Then the fresh deeds can be used for any

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     07 August 2009

The Banks may at their discretion may accept the Certified copies  for EM  after following the aobve procedure and after making a paper publciation calling objectiosn if any and it is at the descretion of the Bank manager  only !


I do agree with the views of my Ld. friends. U should fil;e a complaint for the lost of ur documents, moreover, u can certified copy of the same from the Office of The Registrar or the concerned aothority.

Adv. Purushottam (Advocate)     07 August 2009

You can avail the land documents from the office of Talathi / (record office ), and the deeds and the index II of the property you 'll get from the registrar office


G Thiyagarajan (Marketing Professional)     29 September 2009

 If in case you have a certified copy and lost the original. You file a complaint and get the FIR and advertisement done. Later on would we face any problem with the mortgage if you pledge the certified document. Moreover the possessor of the oringinal document before filing an FIR, Can they forge the document or pledge it ?. If you file a FIR and get a copy of it to the registrar office whether they will give a new original. Please clarify if there is any problem if some ill wisher comes in possession of those documents

Vijay (Executive)     29 January 2015

Hi... I did not file FIR when i lost the docs(two years back), but got paper publication and certified copies.. How secured am i? Wht needs to be done now?? 

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