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Naidu (ER)     08 March 2012

Lady is torturing with 498a

Namaskar sir,

I am the mediator, who has done one marriage in the both(husband and wife) have done 2nd marriage.

But still wife is going to court for a cheating (gold & money )case with 1st husband.

before she requested us so much  to do 2nd marriage by hiding this issue with us.

Anyway now 2 years are over and they have 1 son , 2nd husband gone to United States.
we told so many times to go with husband 2nd husband is requesting wife to come since last 1 year.

But she has not shown interest to go and want to settle in native place with 2nd husband money by threatening with 498a.
That is the reason , as mediator i and we are silent with full of worries.

whoever involved to settle the matter, she is not answering , caring.

simply she is awaiting  & demanding husband to handover the earned money  and also saying come back to native place by
leave the job if he need wife and son.

As a mediator how can i solve, i feel this is my responsibility to solve the issue for both.

So , dear lawyer ..kindly advice to protect from false case with 498a.

Thank you Sir,..


 8 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     09 March 2012

Let husband and wife talks each other. Why mediator in between them. After all it is their personal matter. Please do not involve in their personal matters, unless they permits u to resolve it. 

Subu (Self Motivated)     10 March 2012

Why just mediate ?


(a) Tell the second husband that He has been cheated

(b) Tell the second husband the woman has NOT even broken off from the first husband and has cheated (literally  (Screw$d)) the second guy ... meaning the second marriage is literally NULL and VOID

(c) Tell the second husband that she is the one who is playing all the games husband # 2 has to be ready to fight ..fight possible 498a and other ills

(d) ask hubby # 2 to open a facebook profile and post his woes

Once husband # 2 stops hiding the problems ...he is FREE to fight and live like a man

Else he will die a coward's death every day


Look at it this way


There are three men. Husband 1, Husband 2 and Mediator ...


All three are getting (Screw$d) by one woman ....


why let that happen ????






pujols20 (Techie)     10 March 2012

Ask 2nd Husband to immediately file a cheating case against wife. If needed, involve husband also. Ask 2nd husband to get into this forum and post the complete details of the story.

pujols20 (Techie)     10 March 2012

* If needed , involve first husband also while filing cheating case

Human (MRA)     10 March 2012

Naidu Sir / Ma'am, you are part of the Authorities which are supposed to be Temples of Justice and not as arenas for running Money Extortion in name of mis-use of laws.


I am still surprised how come all of you colluded with the girl for her second marriage by hiding the fact that she was still not divorced and also hiding the fact that she is a 498A Legal Terrorist.


If you had an opportunity to save another man's life by telling him about this girl, you have failed as a responsible citizen of India and just not as a mediator.

Naidu (ER)     18 March 2012

dear all ,  thanks for your messages..

unfortunately he felt again by beleiving .

She got divorced from 1st husband, that is the reason we came forward, but unfortunately she is started again torturing 2nd husband after giving 1st birth . she and her family had big plan to grab the complete proprties and will leave 2nd husband also if he is not following /surrendering . Now she is threatening to all by showing the 498a. 

Subu (Self Motivated)     18 March 2012

NOTHING IS LOST as long of confidence and mental strength is NOT lost

Please read replies above and ask the second husband to fight back

Ask both husbands to join hands and fight back

Ask second husband to join some strong NON profit , SAVE FAMILY organisation

Human (MRA)     19 March 2012

Naidu Ji,


It wasnt right at your end in promoting what is called as "Legal Terrorism" by Supreme Court.


You being an Authority in the House of Justice, have misused your position in colluding with either party. If you feel that you are guilty of this, please provide a detailed report to the Judge who is looking at the matter of the second Husband with facts about the Law Abuser WIFE and requesting the Hon'ble Court to take the appropriate action and give Justive to the Innocent Husband.

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