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G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     06 August 2009

Junior Civil Judges

 In Tamilnadu, 200 junior civil judges were selected and some of them were given training as in High Court to watch proceedings of HIGH COURT... Will it be fruitful to them?

 11 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     06 August 2009

well dear this pattern is being adopted through out the country.


the training techniques have changed.


high court proceedings are being shown to them to reduce the divide between a high court judge and a civil judge and further to impart certain skills like how to behave like a judge.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     07 August 2009

i agree with Mr Kiran and further add that ;-

The knowledge of the High Court procedures and observations by Trainee Junior Civil Judge is also useful to him !

Adinath@Avinash Patil (advocate)     07 August 2009

Hello, good morning , The procedure of training  for civil judges required but in high court there are only law points but civi l judges are trial courts they need to procedure of law and facts also mixed questions law and facts hence it is necesarray to how rely  on evidence on recod  and how to interpret the evidence on record and law .Hence I think civil judges required traing from District courts and senior division civil  courts.                                                                                               

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     07 August 2009

 Adinath sir's point is right as the trial court is differenent from High Court -Court of Law.

But in trial Courts they need to go through all the evidences whether oral or documentary to decide the case.


G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     07 August 2009

 I think Munsif trainees need to get training in District Courts and Sub Judges only need to get training in High ourts as Sub Judges only have power to try Motor Accident Claims, Rent Control Appeals, Suits of various kinds ( Other than Injunction and Money Claim for lower amount)

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     07 August 2009

Mr. Adinath@Avinash Patil explaine it very clearly.

1 Like

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     07 August 2009

It is true that the Training in HC regarding High Court procedure is part only they should have full knowledge about the Trial Court procedures , right from CMO duties . New IAS Officer will be given training from Village officer to know the complete procedures from primary level

naman k jain (advocasy)     07 August 2009

training goes on trail court.

Adinath@Avinash Patil (advocate)     07 August 2009

Trial courts are recodring the oral evidence of various witnes .Trial courts also go through the documents on record. some trial courts are appointed only they got first clas/distingtion in law graguate or post graguate . But they have no knowledge of revenue records i.e.record of rights extracts in maharashtra we say 7/12 extracts for agriculture land and city survey propery cards. there are also some other records for which show the legal and valid titles of owner and possession of immoveable proprties. some trial courts are studied in metropolitin city the have no knowledge of all documents they have also did not knwolege regardig how to record examination of chief, and which questions are not allowed in examination of chief and cross examination.There are so many procedure are ignored by trial courts.Hence I think trial courts need traing in District courts and senior division courts. I do not say H.C. have not origianal side but in limited case .

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     07 August 2009

 But my only contention is that a Trainee Munsif need not require training in M.C.O.P. cases and also in writ matter as they are not going to conduct the same in near future and that wont be a helpful thing to their job too

poonam choudhary (legal advisor)     10 September 2009

thanks sir

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