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prakash (advisor)     12 September 2012

Injuction order

Dear sir

my father has filed a partion suite,for 6 acers of land,3 brothers,my father and his elder brother is ready for partetion of the land ,the last brother is not ready for the  same ,the last brother has enjoyed the land past from 401yrs ,now he is not ready for the partion,its already 4 months gone,the opposition means my fathers last brother not objected ,any thing in the we want an injuction order,we have informed for our lawyer begening itself,How many days it will take to get injuction order from the court,at any cost we have to stop them to till the land,what is the immadite action leaglly,kindly advise,plz do the needfull.




 2 Replies

Anirban Gope (Advocate)     24 September 2012

File a partition suit and also ask for injuction till the partition of the property.


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